At fome little diftance from the place where we were
a fheep la j dead. As loon as he had difcovered it, he took
it by the horns, and, as well as we could underftand him,
he was extremely inquifitive and anxious to know what it
was. When his curiofity was latisfied, he went into the
canoe, where the woman had been, waiting for him.
About ten or twenty yards from the fhore, among the
long grafs, in the lhallow water, he ftruck and took with
his fifh-gig feveral good fifti 5 an acquifition to which,
at this feafon of the year, it being cold and wet, we
were unequal. While he was engaged in watching for them,
both he and the woman chewed fomething, which they
frequently fpit into, the water; and which appeared to us,
from his immediately Jinking a fifh, to be a - lure. While
they were thus employed, one o f the gentlemen with
me fung fome fongs j and when he had done, the females
in the canoes either fung one of their own fongs, or imitated
him, in which they fuoceeded beyond conception. Any
thing fpoken by us they molt accurately recited, and
this in a manner of which we fell greatly fhort in our
attempts to repeat their language after them.
While we were thus amicably engaged, all on a fudden