faffed, every .military and public honour was|ipaid to tbe
Lcoinibodorerji xdlouts w e e laid at bis' feet# as they
dikherto bad been whenever- -he daaded ife his public- chas?
»raderj a token o f refped that is never beflo-wedi.on any
perfon'hmt the governor hirsfelf. When we, arrived -at the
tg>a!aeeia® officer of the h-Oufefe&id, who was^ waiting to re^
?edive:i us*» itonduded is, thrOirgh aimofl delightful recefs;
ihting rdund -with bird-cages, whole inhabitants feenaed to
wie witheaeh other, .both in the melody of their notes and
the beauty of their plumage. Tbfe .p'afiage we‘ walked
«through was adorned on each fide with odoriferous .flowers,
dnd aromatic fhrubs; which, while they charmed the eye#
fpread adelightfulfragrance around. This pafiiage led to
;a private room, ©ri the oatfideiof tltee;^of ^bf.wM^j^^ers
.received by the viceroy, who .flood uncovered, and noticed
»each perfen fepkrately in the satoff .ftfendiy and; pct#ti§ ;mah»
ner. His excellency preceded us into the roomy and having
■ fequefted all of us -to be feated, placed himfelf by the
^©mtndddrq, fan'-a pofitica that f r o n t e d " I n f o r
sdur thanks and acknowledgments-, he laid# it -gave, him
“ infinite pleafure and fatisfadion to find that the place had
afforded us the fupplies we flood in need of :” to this he
added, er that the attention o f the inhabitants; which we
*< were good enough to notice, was much fhort o f his wifhes.”
We then arofe : and took our-leave ; but not before his excellency
had expreffed a defire o f hearing from the commodore,
With an account of hisfuccefs inthe eflablilhment of
the new coionyfi He : concluded with faying, “ that he
<('hoped, nay did not doubt, from the charader the En-
f f gHfh bpfe for generdfity o f difpofition, but that,thofe who
1* bad lb cheerfully engaged in a fervice, ftrange and uncer*
% tain in-iitfelf, would meet with an adequate reward— a
A recompence that' every bhtehittft allow they juflly merited»”
The room in which* the governor received us was that
wherein he ufbally fat in diis- retired moments. It was fur-
liiflicd and painted in 1 a neat aiid elegant ftile; the roof
chlplaying well-executed reprefentati©i^! o f all the tropicaf
fruits, and the moft beautiful birds- of the country. The
waffit were hung found with prints, chiefly' On religious
Rio de Janeiro is laid to derive its name froria ^eing dif-
covered oh St. Januarifis^s- day. It is thelicaputal of the
Portugueze fettlements in. South America, andfs fituated on
'■■ I 1 'v'-f:'/ ,' V the