tudes.. To this, and to’ the frequent ufe of oil of tar, which
was ufed three times a week, and oftener if found neceflary,.I
attribute* in a great degree* the uncommon good health we
enjoyed. I mpft fincerely wife o if of tar was in more general
ufe [throughout his "Majefty’ s navy than it is. I f it were,
I am certain that the advantage accruing from it to the health
©ffeamen, that truly ufeful and valuable clafs of the community,
and for whofe prefervation too much cannot be done,
would foon manifeft itfelf. - This efficacious remedy wonderfully
refills putrefaction, dellroys vermin -and infects
of every, kind; wherever,jt;is applied overcomes a|L-disagreeable
fmells ;-,andis in itfelf both agreeable and-whole-
In the evening it became calm, with diltant peals of thunder*
and:the ‘moll vivid flalhes of lightning I ever remember; ; The
weather was now fo immoderately hot, that the female con-
vidts,. ;pe‘rfedly overcome with it, : frequently fainted away;
and thefe faintings generally terminated in, fits. ■ And, yet,
notwithftanding the enervating effe<ftst;o f the atmofpheric
heat, and the inconveniences they fuffered, from i t ; fo predominant
was the warmth of their conftiturions, or the depravity
of their hearts, that the hatches over the place
where they .were' confined ’ could not be, fuffered to lay, off,
dur,ing’tie^mgh%Iswithout*a/proiaii£cuou| interp&urfe immediately
taking' plac,e|betweep'ithem' and the* fearrieh.-and marines;
WhaMfittle, winds there! was, which* only., at
intervals, continuing adyerfe, and the health of thefe'wretches.
being(*ftill Endangered by the heat, Captain Phillip, though
anxious to^revent;asf'mucfeas,'poffible" this interc.o'urfe, gave
an o r d e r * o f f that -a
grating; fhould, be cut, fo* as, to admit a-final! wind faifbejng
let down among thefe* In feme iof^e-.dfher;- ftiips^.the
defire-of the womeihftq be*,with thprfeen was_f©t uncontrol-
lableffhat neither fiiame - (hut? (indeed- Qf\tffis?,'fhp^had long
loft fight);- nor.-the fear,-of punilbrngnt, couldidef^;tjietn
from, making„their way through the bulk heads to the apartments
affigned the fea'men.
* 25th. Still inclinable to-calms,S;m, lat. ^ 3 0 ' N. „long--
2 2° - 36’ W.. we perceived" a ftrong ;fGurrt:n-t-iv;fo6ting .to-.the;
north-weft ;3/<> thkt cfcy lfre"j following«, day-, though feyiPur
log'We -had rife- thirty miles fouth byr eaft,VySef. b f ofiftrya-1
tion ,we&:l%u$4 our,If Ives in lat. 8* 45';. whjch fhows, -the,
current- againft u>s * tqfifie nekr-ly a knot an .hour. I yi-fitedr
the different tranfport%;and found the* troops and.. Convicts,.