F E A T H E R o f :Kt h *e G A SS 0 W A R Y .
The feathers of the New Holland Cafibwary are<l©f a
remarkable conftrudtion ; an€ ^majr, pe-rhap^, :he moreealTKy
delineated, than deferibed. The fpeci me n i s Sijg^dtbjP^ife'
exadt fize^ and confifts-of two long flender’ Aiafts, extremely-
flaccid, i& in g ’Trom^ pne^ jinaM quill. The' feath e r ati*he-
bale of each fhaft is clofely: fct,- fb£t, ^and polfy,-
and-growing- hapdir-gradudly to' the -tip, rei&mblfiSg*the
texture oTa dried- plant.
The colour brownifh afh, whitening towards the quilL
Itfeems incapable of refilling water, or of heading air». This,
circumAance in the feather* added, to the -great pliability of
the fhaft* is a raoft admirable provifion. for a» bird, whole.'
fafety is entruAed lolely to its feet..
F r s t f