. a p p e n d i x -
L a.CERT!a $ei.N;CQIp;E9>
This Lizard comes, nearer;to the %ine\is. than any I am
a c q u a i n t e d with, hut L ftill a diftm<a fpecie*.
In the two. fpecimens' lent qver by Mr. WtnTE, one had
a procefs on the upper part of the tail, near the top, ahpoft
like a fupernumerary oribrked tail, but -whiebT rather
ceive to be natural; and asTbisone was/a-male, J am inclined
to think that this is peculiar to‘ tKat fex, which wb^d In .
fame degree have been more-dearly made out, - the '$$her>
which^had not this procefs,: had proved a female i put as
. its being gutted and: fluffed -before I. |a^ it, prevenfnd
.^ ^ t i^ ^ - J h i s rernaina ft»lLts® fe
makes the conje&ure -very, probable,'i^ldrat
by M r . W h i t e that fome are without, and feme with tips
pr-ocefe. Now i f it; was a monften ariftng either &am ^ $ 0
dent, or originally fb formed, it would hardly common
as to be> taken notice- of. The tail is longer than tha|
of the Scinciifes, and not fo taper ^ the animal^of a dark,
iron-grey colour, which as o f different fhadeUn different
parts, forming a kind of ftripes acrofs .the back-and JauL