258 A P P E N D I X .
S E R P E N T S.
Thé fpeciés of SeTpêhts 'are* touch lëfs eafily afcertained
than thofe of m©fh other animals; -not only on account of
the great number o f fpecies;1 but from the inrmmeïible "variations
to which, many of them arp fubjedt in point of colour.
Amangft thofe lately-received from New Holland, the following
are the tooft remarkable".
'.'SSake, No. I, aborit three feet and a half in length,
of a bluilh alh^cbloiir, «bated with fcaies rather large
than Tmall, and ‘having nearly the Tame general proportion
with the «common Englifh fnakê, «ör ^Coluber -N5|f|ix o f
I§na’kE, No-.-2, nearly three ÉFeét in-lengthy Tender, -and
of a 'tawny ;yellowi(h colour, with numerous andiftinët'.&irs
of dark hrown, -and -fomewhat irreghlar; or -flexuöüs, in
their difpofition.