am coll'àfted- % 'tfets mode» At the: corner o f erdery ffereet,
abouti fen feet fro® the guQUffid,. / fe- placed thè imaigeaf a
faint, which is the objecTbf., the Common, people’s adoafation*:
The't'awtb is well fuppfedr with■ ".water freon the neigh-
boiling, mouiatdipsbn which! i» conveyed over a< deep valley
by an a^uedndfc. formed of aarchea;: ofi à; ftupendbtfâ freight,
and feom thence diftribuited by pipes: flo many, pasts of the
city. The principal .fountain rifeçlafid tor'tKeofeaÿ hr a kind
©£ fqiaaite^ near the palace; where- flaips water at a~ good
wharf,, neatly in; the; feme manner as. at. TeneriiFe, and
with, eepral* expedition; and;, conjaemlence. 0n the mprptofitd
fide of the fountain» are« etjcksjlfeom.whichciihe people -iirtfae.
neighbourhood ape fupplied;. T h is , petoremexit .-àfidc capital
watering, pla&ei is £b ithexlpafaiae* that where rdilputes oc
contentions/ arife between) thes boats; crew» o f different» fhipa^
the Haves*, 85c. they are foppifeffed .and-adjiifted: bÿ tflrer fid-
dfeasron guards« wfc©§, in .the;PoiÆpgwèze*Tervâ(r^/|iam great
power,j and often treat ther people wsBthino little fevôfetÿ«;
While, m fluids a£ this« placée wsèr-«iadë*- fever al «fbortiL cxk
cudàoas* into tb e eauatryr;! but diad not go. near the mines*
as-we knew the- attempt, would not only,’ prove hazardbns,
but indSfeSaial :• and as- the-liBetty and; indulgence; granted
3 1 1 1 I S ^ H i 1 ■ ! ■ H
us was on the GOtasnodore-’s account, -wgnewt ^fended our
trips' beyond as fe# rfifes'f left Our doing f© fhould appear Septei~nber-
fulpicious, and rfefle£t difqredit oh hifri j Wd eSfefideidhg fifth
in fome degree1 refp&nftble for o*ur condu^h As far as we
did gofefee experienced tire fans© pedife arid attentive beha*-
viotwwff foie with fro® the inhabitants o f the'dity. Nevhf
was nap'f^ diftMguifhed u r b a n i t y t d ftrahg&rs; thah
was- fhown t& u» by every rank.
From'; it's complicated ifegfc/'ji c^flJ learn but feW parti»»
culars relative fio? the g©Vi®fitaeM of Bf'azife The viceroy is
isvefted with great- power? and auth<#if y, fibj &&- in1 fotrie
cafes to am appeal to the cotfri of Lifbon j but, Hke: a Wife
and prudent ruleiy fee feldo® exerts i¥, • ufifefs -aft ihftanee&
wheeer fi®nd jt^gflSeflt aiM« t¥ue policy' render it eMpfedi£ht
amdneeefTary. . tfe fe a rtia«ri ©f- little-« parade', add appeats
not to! fee vur«y fond of pd®p>and* grandfeur, except©W public
days, whe® i t fe a®? tcV be dS^e-nfed with! # h ^ l e rgbe&
abroad for affimfersfenty- Or to««' take* the^ arr^-M# gua¥d
osdy of ffeveni d^gOOn¥f'bUT-Orf rhake^
his appearaasc© in a* grander IHhi 1 dnee? few hirh- go in'
ftht© t<5‘ one - df the* edtufts of «y^tfoe?; fahdvtfhbd'gfeH’i!# :yft&
fituated not a huddred yards froffi- hfe* palace-/ he vsfes^ at-4
* tended