W III TE!’ s J o Ü'RN'A L .OF A
back and- wings ip general brown ;! the lower part ;o f the
back and rump pale blue-green.; the outer edges: of -the
quills blue;:, within and the tips black. On. the wing covert
is a patel of glofly blue-green: the tail is barred with fei1®«--
ginousj. and-#eel'hlae^. glolièd with purpl©^* the !©nd; for
one inch, white; the under part of the body is white, tranf-
verfely ftreaked with dulky lines 'y legs 1 yellow, claws black;
This bird is not uncommon in many iflands of. th&Svutb]
Seas, being pretty frequent at New Guinea, from whence
the fpecimen came from which Mr. Latham took his de-
feription > it is alfo an inhabitant o f New fromi
whence feveral have been fént over to England'. -
We rounded this lagoon.,: and proceeded four or five
miles weftward,'along the banks of a fmall frGfh-wafer-
river, which emptied itfelf into it, and had for its fource
only a fwamp, or boggy ground. After we had paffed this*
fwamp» we got into an imraenfe wood, the tirees- o f which
were very high and large, apd a confiderahle diftance apart;
with little under or brufh wood. The ground was not v-ery
good, although it produced a luxuriant cqat of a kind o f
four graft ..growing in tufts otr huflies, which; at fome diftance,
had the appearance of meadow land, and might be