wind, e ^ p t a and when thal prevails,: m
v§vy 'mgTj-.fey.- tu ite te te e f t e !;. Qn an êteheneè, t e t t e cens*
ter- ©f the bay, ftan-ds $ fort, where' the Portuguese colours
were difpl^yed, Ma©ydpe.§^fo »pjvtwed ?$; t t e batteries* look«»
ing at the- fhips j which were- probably mare in- number than.;
had been fe,ttfe there fi»te thé naernorablè of April-
The appearance of the tow»®. ted; tte id kte ,; from the diftaht.
view w§ had^ ns' no Mery favter able opinion of them*
The! focg of fhg ctentry feenaed to be teEle in fete extreme..
The lifotei; brown; erf the Iflsi i>f Mayo,; défcrihed by.Gap^
tain. Conks, very well :b^4p|died to tdiii idand ; ;lor as
for as my gye qs glafs could reaeh, iiot the fmalleflrtrace. o f
vegetation or verdure was to be perceived, except; at the wed;
end of the fort* on tkg-: Ifeft rfide of &e wtere *& few
trees of* the: cogda; sJut ?ot- pate kifed appealkcb: But nnfcl
withftaadit^ the'ftevdl psteie it exhiMtawhen viewed fionf
the t e s gpo.g$aphefs,v and thofe: who- hake bam on fhorei,
deforite it r to b% -te rntey places, well; cultivated khd vfery
fertile $ prodtefog foga# canes* a little wipe, forae~*»ttbii£.
Indian corn, coeoa niits, and or^igcss. with allthe otherteopf-
ca& fruit8-' in Ütolf pleMy j -and1 point it otut as: a plaee where
fhips, hound on long voyages, may. be ctefteiéntly fijpplÈéd
with water, and other necd&aries; fucteas fowls, goats, and
hogs; all which arc to be pnrehafed at atety.ókfy rate.
2aith. This evening, ftanding. to the fonthward with all
iail y t te wand naaderatej the: ai^;warm and dampy with
haze, thbSirius made the Aiextete tVfgnal, w te ted dfopped.
comhderabliy afteren, and reprimanded • the hêilting.
emt a- boat without ipsrrnMIon. The two foMêwïng days- A t e
weather Was moderately: Warm, with fetee-fe-tet -é f light*
23d. T h e weather became ^öXït:iidiöglyv'idark, 'Warm,,
add clbfe,with heavy rain.y a temperatuto»of the-atrn©f|>here:
vety comnsoat on a^ptóoaiehipg thé OqUSfory and very rntich
■ tó^be-dreaded^; as the health,is greatly, endangered, thereby.
Every attention: Was- tberëifer<é paid to the péöpte o& hte&rd
thë-'Ctertete^ and evdry: exifrióo i fifed- to^Meip^héf{öléa® and
wkolefeme between decks. My foft ca^e Wè»: 'to jik ^ p :thé-'
men, as fare as\was coï^iftént with a regular diföhargé ó f
tfeandnity, add o f the t e n f - te® I 'fö®#ëE -the
vi&s.. to come uponedeefe when it- tasted,~ ê ê - neither
linen nor cd0^ii£^^'ïfiHiaciö^^t to. make fherfïfëhlès- dry and
comfortable after jgboÉag w it If
éaaaaofc Be tö*y ftri&Éy- t e étefê föti^
tu ie s ii