. 4$% '
long, and about the fides of the head and top of it is a
mixture of fine yellow; but none of the feathers are marked
with buff at the, tips, nor is the under part of the body
croffed with buff-colour. In the tail it differs Scarcely at
all J&om Mr. Latham's figures: 11
Thefe birds have been met with in feveral parts o f .New
We. likewife few feveral Blue-bellied Parrotsi -This- is a
very beautiful .bird ; and Mr. Latham^ whofe - leave' wë have,
to. copy the account < of it, from his Syn. vol. i. p. 213’,
JSf° 14. B. defcribes i t thus.: : ” The length is; fifteenunches
“ the bill is rcddifli; orbits black; head and throat dark
“ blue* with a mixture of lighter blue feathers; back part
t( of the head green ; towards the throat ^yellow green;
back and' wings jgreen/;: prime quills dufky, -barred With
“ yellow ; breaft red, mixed with yellow; belly of a fine,
** blue j thighs green and yellow ; tail cuneiform; the t.wo
“ middle feathers green ; the others the fame, but bright
*‘ .ye1iow on the outer edges ; legsduiky.”
This bird is a very Common, fpecies in various partsf of
JVsw_ Holland^ and in great plenty both at Botany Bay and
L ort Jackfon.. It is found to differ much in plumage,
J R H B B § j
Xl;i,Tot£-Taliped or iM i l 9$ y T>Srtl