S M A L L P A R O QJL g T.
P s iT T A C U S Pus ils-LUS *
Pfitfacusfubmacraurus virti^'-t&pijffd retfridii'm^de'bdfi ftivtis.
Caudafubtus jlmefc$h$, baf rubraPenfiges latere interiore ftfcee.- _ Mag-
' - nitudo Pfttaci Porpbyrionis. lELoJlrum jmljtavefcens, feu Jjffco^a3ffefce^ts
Pedis fuBfdJti.
Green Paroquet, with fomewhat lengthened tail / the .feathers round the
"beak, anti 'the bafe'bf thd-tftri feather^, -fed.
About the fize of?the VioleticoTofired Otaheite Paroquet.’ The-beak is
yellowifh, or brownilh yellow. The feet dufky. The tail'feathers
yellowilh beneath, and red at,the bafe. The wing feathers dulky bn,
the interior in&rgin.