l78?; bringing forns, clothing! from, the bo.wfprit «endyjiWbére he
bad 'hung them., to dry, fell overboard. •, A s , foomoas j jtehe
alarm was given, o£ a man being overboard, the fh-ip was/in-
frantly -hqyeXp^and;a>boat hoifted..out, bufeto? noupurpafe.:
Lieutenant Balfof.the Supply,, a. m.ofr,^a^dlpiEeer,..fcnwang
from jour proceeding.^ we'were at.ihertimeiteeringiwith a
fa.it wind^and'go'ing near fix. knpts;an hour) that fome acci-
dent'muft have happened, b^e.down.;; butuotwithftanding
every exertion, the poor feHojw;funk.befQre;either. the Supply
or our boat could reach him. The people on theJwecafrle,
,whd faw.hirn fall, /ay; that | | j Ihip went: d i r i^ yW ih in J
which, as die had quicj^way jhroughjrhe skater, mull m a té
' it impoffible for him to keep on the -furface long enough to>,
be taken up, after having, received the frroke frömifo^heavy
- ^bpdy.
f f 3d " From' the- i£ th ,; thé weather had-been ScQld7; dry,f ;
and pleafarit; it, now became wet, fqnallyj and unsettled*
the wind wefterly, with, a high fea; albafroffesy pintado
birds, and. fome fmall hawks» hovering round, the. ihipv .
?'i3°th. T h e ^ e a th e r ^ c ^m e more moderate and pleafant,
the wind variable, inclining.;to calms.
Oaober ift.. Light,airs, with W and rain. .Saw a
great '
great niurpfjei^qfj different, birds j. we Were then in latitude 1787.
340 4,
' S^klongitujde i° 16"E>nfnthe ’meridian of London. ,oaPber
I 3th- The Sirius made the fignal for feeing land ; and
at feven -in the evening- we came to, in Table Bay,' at the
Cape of Good Hope, in feventeen fathom, water, abreaft of I
Cape Town, difknt. about’a;.mile ,or'ia mil& and half. ' As
fopn asfjthe-:Sirius anchored; the dommodorerand'-commihary
wentgonrfhore,. and;? took', up the-ik refrdence * in lodgings at
thwhoMfevof, Mrs..De„.Witt. They, wearerTp.oh. followed by
fuch;dfhcer&;a%eouldi/fe Tpaped,-from sthe duty of tHe, fleet, '
“ ^^bhihg;*to,pjepare>then3/efesi2^by the comforts arid re-*
frefhments >tp be enjoyed on Chore, for the lafb and longeft
l^age of, their VAyage-'
Th^coritrasa,for .. prdviiions? being .fettled .with
Melfrs» *De;Witt«,andf-Gafton, • th©;tneK)ps, rilen, women’, and |
- ^i-idren, wAte/eaved with' abound and halfr ofkfoft bread,
andi^n-^ual? quantify, of beef lor .-mutton daily -y and. with
of f p i d t ^ Ther-cohyi&s, - men, worriefr, r.arid
children,.'had the f ame f - a l lowa n c e th e „troops, except*
16th. Commodore Phillip, attended by moft of the
officers, of the fleet,, paid a complimentary vifit to his excel-
\ lency 3 i