1 I 2 WH I T E ’ s JOURNAL. Q,E A
thus far but, for the fuceoftxj' given them by.myfelfoand my
affiftants. |£
. 9th. Wind variable, and-weathe^h^y, damp and.dark'«;
_wit^ ,;%me vivid flaflies of lightning, .fucQepdgdelbj-idifbaht
peals of doud; .thunder. . On the iner^ting^of^this djy di-td
Edward Thomfonx a convict, :worni out with a^niglancholy
and long confinement.^ ;Hacl -he- lived, I think he would
have«: proved a deferying memberrof Fociety, | as he vfeemed
■1 fenfible of the impropriety and imprudence.of h'is• former
. life, and ftudious to atone for it. V
, 1 Oth* 1 vThe^^ivari^dble, «and-weather dark and gloqmy,
withj5a very; troublefome ^high_. fea. - Abeyt two* d’jclexck
P. M. we had-one of-the tiioft hidden gufts qfi. wind I&eyer'
remember to have known. In an inftant^t fplit our main-
ting fly the flieets, and lowering the top-fails, the mafts^muft
.Bawe gone over the; fide. The Prince^pf
elofe. to us, had .her - main, yard f; £arrif away. rin ^the
flings. Fortunately for us, the fquall' was, of fliqrt. duration,
otherwife the. fhips muft have;.s|uifered .ponfidetably
fro n t. the . uncon^ign erqfs^ fea, r that was running ; which
We had found to be the ' cafe' eves? ftncè we Reached this 1
coaft. * * 1 '' ' r‘ ' vj
n th . /and 12th. The'wind* variable, inclining to the
fóuthward and weft ward, ^aiïdü:-flill an ;rlinpleafant *crofs
troublefome’ fea;r, 1 W©*- law a w-h-ale,’{‘dWeral ' feals,« and
many large"* oceanous ‘'-birds5, which -‘Wê ‘frequently fired at,
without their! bet-raying-the- hnalleft - fym'p'tortf'ófi fjfa^êither
at the ^report, or||'at- th e " ball&, Wniëh .frequently' dropped
>clofe> to them. / A (^nclufion may' be drawn ftoln hénce,
that they had -never been harafled With fire hr ms before ; if
üthey had, they.Would undoubtedly havé, ,ihowri ‘ fome fea‘f£
a ’fenfation they- feemed to -be totally u'öaéqüaihted with-»
In all our firing we-did not kill ori'ê- of t-hem»f‘ -
I tgth. In .the evening we faW thedand over Red Point,
bdaring' W. by N. 'the 'extremes of t-h’ë• laïfd 'fröm?'SJ S.1 W.
<to‘N. We were then about-thrdè leagttèVfrom the ftiore ; and
-finding it unlikely tof g e t ' in that night, Captain Hunter
-made! the fignal for the convoy tor-cbme within hail; .
when he. acquainted them, that the entrahCe- ihto Botany Bay
hqre N. N. W.': /adding, that! for the night;hfe 'intendefl-Tè
ftand-.off. and' Wn;:-and^/early in -'th-e’ morning' rftakè fail
for the bay.
Qw :20th. At