' - Plate A. annexed, reprefents a produ&ion.of which Mr..
Wi i iTE has fent nd-defcriptionf . npn^an gyc give any fatif-
fa&ory account of it. This 'is faid to^come from the root
of the Yellow Gum Tree, 'and ' i§ ‘ a "'congeries - of ■ fcales,
cemented, as4 it.wfefe; together b y 'the gum. Whether they:
are'the bafes of the leaves«?pf ’that Ireei, o rp a r to f a paraiiti-
cat plant'growing.rupon ,it, future- ■ ohfervations muft deter^
fuppoiit-ion -Teehas' to jbc countenanced by
the appea,rance o f fibrous roots, at; the bafe of this1 fingular