
P lace and
Scolopax calidris, Lin. Syft. i. p. 24J. , , — Muller, N» »86.— Kram. EL
P* 353»— Fn/cb. ii. 240.
~ tetanus, Faun, Suec, 167.
Le Chevalier, Bri/ Orn. v. p. 188. 4. pi. , 7. fig.
'------- J-------aux pieds rouges, Buf. Oif. vii. p. jjj.
Redfliank, or Pool-Snipe, Rail Syn. p. io7. A. i.— Will. Orn. p. 2gn._
Albin, iii. pi. 87— Br. Zeal. N° 184. pi. 6j.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
J ^ E N G T H twelve inches. Bill almoft two; bafe reddilh; end
dufky black: irides reddilh hazel: head and hind part of
the neck dulky alh-colour: back and fcapulars glofiy greenilh
brown : wing coverts alh-colour, mixed with dulky and brown,
and marked with whitilh fpots : ends of all the fecondaries, except
the two inner ones, white for an inch at the tip : quills
duflcy; four or five of the inner ones more or lefs tipped with
white, with duflcy margins : over the eye a ftreak of white; and
between the bill and eye a dulky mark: chin and fore part of
the.neck marked with Ihort dulky ftreaks: the under parts from
the breaft, and the lower part of the back and rump, white,
marked with minute dulky fpecks : tail coverts and tail crofted
with numerous bars of black, twelve or thirteen on each feather:
legs orange: claws black. In fome birds both the rump and
belly are of a pure white. *
The Redjhank is pretty common in this kingdom, but grows
fcarcer towards the north. It breeds, like many others of this
genus, in the marlhes ; and lays four whitilh eggs, tinged with
olive, and marked with irregular black fpots, molt numerous at
the large end. When difturbed it has the aftions of a Lapwing
flying round its neft, which it is faid to do in a circular manner,”
and this regular, with the neft in the centre, be the circuit larger
or fmaller; infomuch that an attentive obferver will often find it
out by this circumftance. It is common alfo in many parts
of Europe, as high as Finmark; and is likewife found in Sibiria * :
is indigenous allb to the American continent.
g I L L black; bare, reddilh, as in th t Redjhank: irides blue :
head, hind part of the neck, and back, greyilh : chin, throat,
breaft, and belly, white; fides of the three firft marked with
fmall dulky fpots: over the eyes a line of white: wings duflcy:
the outer webs of the coverts and fecondaries barred with white
V ar. A.
and black; fhaft of the outer quill white : rump and tail barred
black and white : legs orange red.
Inhabits the marlhes of China. From the drawings of the late
Dr. Fothergill.
Scolopax Candida, Lin, Sjft. i. p. 247. 18.
Le Chevalier blanc, Brif. Orn. v. p. 207. 8.-—Buf. Oif. vii. p. 519.
White Redlhank, Edw. pi. 139.
g I Z E of the Redjhank: length eleven inches. Bill almoft two,
of an orange-colour, with the tip black : the upper part of
the head, neck, back, fcapulars, leffer wing, and upper tail coverts,
are white, varied with tranfverfe rufous grey ftreaks : fore
part of the head, throat, and from thence to the vent, as allb
the rump, pure white : greater wing coverts dirty white : prime
quills grey: fecondaries and tail white, fpotted tranfverfely with,
rufous grey : legs orange.