fprings a long' black creft, the Feathers which compofe it narrow,
and end in a point ; the middle ones are fix inches in length, the
■ others leffen by degrees, the outer ones being not more than one
inch: between the bill and eye the Ikin is bare and dulky; the
plumage on the forehead white; the reft of the bird of a pale
blueilh alh-colour: acrofs the lower part of the neck behind is a
tranfverfe band of brownifh black, which paffes forwards on each
fide towards the b re aft, ending in a point, but does not encompafs
i t : the fore part of the neck, and under parts, are blueilh white,
except the belly and thighs, which are rufous : the feathers
which hang over the breaft are loofe, like thofe of the Heron: the
tail is three inches and a half long, and the wings, when clofed,
reach nearly to the end of it : the leg is three inches in
length; and the -thigh, from its infection to the knee, four; the
middle toe two inches and a half; the bare part above the knee
one inch and a half: the colour of the bare parts yellowilh
brown; claws black: the toes are connefted at the bafe by a
membrane, which, as in the Umbre, is deepeft in the outer one.
This defcription is taken from a fine fpecimen now in the
Leverian Mufeuin.
La Cuilliere tachetée, Brif. Ore. v. p. 508. A.
T H I S differs from the laft, in being varied with Ipots of
brown, ;
Var. A.
E 2 Cancroma