■ 3»-
V a r . A.
D e s c r ip t ion.
3 9*
D e s c r i p t io n.
P l a c é .
Le Crabier roux tachete, Brif. Orn. v. p. 471.
the laft, except the neck, which is ipotted with black
on the fides j and the legs yellowifh inftead of red.
This is a mere variety of the laft, if not a young bird.
Ardea comata, Pall. Trav. iii. p. 715. N° 31.
Le Crabier jaune, Brif. Orn. v. p. 472. 37.
Le Guaccoj Buf. O f. vii. p. 392.
Crabier de Mahon, Ibid. p. 393.— PI. Enl. 348.
Sguacco, Raii Syn. p. 99. 8.— Will. Orn. p. 381. 8.
Lev» Muf.
g I Z E of the Hue Heron. Bill of a livid red, with a brown t ip :
lore greenilh : irides yellow : crown of the head much creft-
ed, fix of the feathers hanging quite down to the back; thefe are
narrow, white margined with black: the neck and breaft pale
ferruginous j the feathers on the firft very long and lobfe : back
ferruginous, inclining to violet, and fürnilhed with long narrow
feathers, which reach beyond the wings When clofed, and fall
over them: wings, rump, tail; Belly, and vent, white• the tail
pretty long : legs flout, of a greenilh yellow; daw of the middle
toe ferrated within.
This is an elegant fpecies, and inhabits the bays of the Cajpian
Sea, and the flow ftreams of the fouthern Defert. It is alfo met
with in Italy, about Bologna, where it is called Sguacco, and is
faid to be a bold and courageous bird.
Le Crabier de la Cote de Coromandel, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 393.—PI. Enl. 910.
T E N G T H twenty-one inches. The bill is yellow : between
the bill and eyes bare and grey ; the head not crefled : general
colour of the pluipage white : the upper part of the head,
and hind part of the heck, inclining to rufous ; as are the long
feathers which hang over the breaft; there is alfo a rufous tinge
on the back and wing coverts : the legs are yellow.
Inhabits the coaft of Coromandel. It feems to be a variety of
the laft, if not differing in fejt.
In the Br. J&Hf. *s °he anfwering in molt refpe&s to this,
except in having a creft compofed of feveral long feathers, flriped
dufky and whjte, and reaching to the middle o f the neck : the
feathers of the lower part of the back are narrow and long, and
reach beyond the ta il: legs brown. I judge this to be a variety
of the male ,of the above-defcribed.
V ar. A.
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
Ardea caftanea, N. C. Petr.zv. p. 454. 9. t. 15. (Gmlin.)
Ardea ralloides, Scop. Ann. i. N° 121.
T E N G T H one foot ten inches and a half. Bill near three D escrip ti
. inches long, black, the bafe of it livid : between the bill and
eye green : irides faffron-colour; crefl reaching to the middle
of the neck: throat white: fides of the head yellowifh; neck
the fame, inclining to chefnut: back rufous-chefnut, covered
with long narrow feathers: breaft, belly, wings, rump, thighs,
and tail, white, tinged with yellow in fome parts: the inner
webs of fome of the quills have a few fpots of black, and the
L 2 tips