C 293 ]
r d e r IX. WEB- FOOT ED.
» W I T H L O N G L E G S .
G e » u s LXXX. A V 0 S E T .
N° 1. Scooping Av. N° 3. White Av.
2. American Av,
BI L L long, (lender, very thin, and bending confiderably
1 upwards.
Noftrils narrow and pervious.
Tongue fhort.
Feet palmated; the webs deeply femilunated between each
toe. Back toe very fmall.
Recurviroftra Avocetta, Lin. SyJ?. i. p. 256.— Faun. Suec. 191.— Amcen.
Acad. iv. 591.— Scop. Ann. i. N° 129.— Brun. N° 188.— Muller, N° 214. 4- SCOOPING
— Kram. El. p. 348.— Georgi Reife, p. 172. ^ *
L’Avocette, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 538. pi. 47. fig. 2.— Buf* Oif. viii. p. 466.
pi. 38.— Pl* EnL 353.«
Avofetta, Rail Syn. p. 117. A. 1.— Will. Orn. p. 321. pi. 60.— Albin, u
pl. 101 .——Br, Zool. N° 228. pl. 80.——Ar£i. Zool. p. 5° 3*
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf. -
rjp H I S bird is the lize of the Lapwing in the body, but has Descrietiox.
very long legs : length eighteen inches. The bill is three
inches and a half long, and Angular in lhape j (lender, very flat,