
Place and
Inhabits Carolina in fpring, and is believed to breed there.
Not feen in winter. Is common at New York, and I have alfo
received it from Jamaica ; but at both thefe places the bill is
black, though in my fpecimen the lore was of a brownilh or
faded red colour. I obferve alfo that in fome fpecimens feveral
of the fecondaries have the ends brown.
il| Var. A.
Le petit Heron blanc, Brif. Orn. v. p. 438. 20.
La Garzette blanche, Buf, Oif. vii. p. 371.
Third fmall white Heron of Aldrovand, Will. Orn. p. 280.—-Raii Syn.
p. 99. 6.
Description. J N this the bill is fmall, thick, and yellow : lore and irides the
fame: the top of the head and neck nearly of a faffron-colour;
breaft the fame, but paler: the reft of the plumage white : legs
Place. Found at Bologna, in Italy.
V ar. B»
Le Heron blanc du Mexiqne, Brif. Orn. v. p. 437.19.-—Buf. Oif. vii. p. 406.
Ardea Mexic. minim. candidiiT. Raii Syn. p. 102. 22.
Description. g I Z E of a Pigeon. Bill and legs purple : lore yellow : the
whole plumage pure white.
Inhabits Mexico, where the natives call it Hoitzilaztatl.
Le Heron noir,Brif. Orn. v. p. 439. 21 ,~~Buf, Oif. vii. p. 368.
g I Z E of the common Heron. Bill black : general colour of the
plumage the fame, with a glofs of blue on the wings: the
fpace between the bill and eyes covered with a bare black Ikin :
the legs are black : the middle and outer toe conne&ed at the
bafe by a membrane.
Inhabits Silejia. Place.
Ardea purpurea, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 2.36. 10.
Le Héron pourpré hupé, Brif Orn. v. p- 424. pl. 36. fig. 2.
Le Heron pourpré, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 369,— Pl. Bnl. 788.
6ç. .
D A T H E R lefs than the. common Heron: length two feet ten Description.
inches and a half. Bill fix inches, brown, with a dulky
point j beneath yellowilh : the top of the head is crefted with
narrow pointed black feathers, forne of them near five inches in
length 1 round the eyes bare and yellowilh : from the gape to the
hind head a narrow ftreak of black: chin white: the neck for
half the length is rufous, 'marked with three longitudinal black
lines, the reft of the neck cinereous olive behind, rufous on the
fides, and rufous white before, where each feather is dalhed
with black, and is long and narrow, hanging over the breaft; the
loweft of thefe are white at the ends: the upper parts of the body
are gloffy olive:, fome of the fcapulars long and narrow, ending in.
a point, with rufous tips : the under parts are of a bright purplilh-
chefnut, with a band of black from the middle of the breaft to-
the vent: under tail coverts white, mixed with rufous-,, and
tipped with black : thighs rufous : edge of the wing the fame :■
wing coverts bright dark olive, fome of them edged with rufous ;
the greater ones fartheft from the body dark afh-colour :. quills
dark : tail cinereous olive : legs greenilh : claws dulky.
Inhabits the fouthern latitudes, towards and about the Cafpiatr Place-
and Black Seas j. as alfo the lakes of Great £artary, and the
■ riven