S C R E A M E R .
part near the fea. Thefe fhould feem to be the birds mentiontd
by XJlloa *, which are called by the inhabitants of Quito, Difper-
tadores, or Awakeners, from their giving notice to others of the
approach of danger j as on hearing the leaft noife, or feeing any
one, though at a great diftance, they rife from the ground, and
make a loud chattering, like a Magpie, continuing the noife, and
hovering over the objeft which caufed the alarm, whereby the
reft o f the birds, taking the hint, are able in time to efcape the
impending danger. This fcreaming noife, which fome authors
relate as being exceedingly loud and terrible j", has occafioned
Mr. Pennant to give the genus the name annexed to it.
In the Hunterian Mufeum is a fine fpecimen of this bird, brought
from Cayenne.
D e s c r i p t i o n
Palamedea criftata, Lin. Syfi.i. p. 232. 2.
Le Cariama, Hr if. Orn. p. 516. 1.— Buf. Otf. vii. p. 325-— Bail Syit.
p. 96. 6.— Will. Orn. p. 276. pi. 51.
O I Z E of an Heron. , The bill fhort, bent like that of a bird of
prey, and of a yellowifh brown : irides gold-colour : on the
forehead, juft above the bill, is a tuft of black feathers, variegated
with afh-colour : the head, neck, and body, are grey, mixed with
rufous and brown, moft inclining to the laft on the wings and
ta il: the wings are not furnifhed with fpurs : the legs pretty long,
• Voy. vol. ii. p. 243.— Ulloa makes their £ze no bigger than that of a Cock.
He fays, that the head is adorned with a tuft of feathers. Perhaps he may mean
the next fpecies,
t Terribili voce clamitans. Linntnt.
S C R E A M E R .
of a dull yellow: claws brown; the hind toe placed high up, fo
as not to touch the ground in walking.
This bird inhabits Braftl. Linnceus makes it to belong to the
Screamer genus, perhaps from its cry, for it is faid to be heard
far off, and is not unlike that of an hen Turkey. None of our later
writers feem to have feen it, all of them relying on Marcgrave
both for defeription and figure*. It is faid to feed on the fame
food as the Heron tribe : the flelh is good, and the bird by fome
kept tame.
Place and
* That referred to in Wiilughlj is copied from this author.
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