P L O V E R . *93
The birds of this genus feem to run much into one another
in refpeft to plumage, fo as to make it quite uncertain where to
draw the fpecific line j and we are perfuaded that, on a further m-
veftigation of the individuals, many which are here placed as
diftinft, will turn out to be varieties only.
Charadrius pluvialis, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 254. 7- Faun. Suit. igo.-^Brun. GOLDES P r
N- 187.— Kram. El. p. 354. l.— Fri/cb. t. 217.
Le Pluvier dore, Brif. On. r . p. 43. 1. pi. 4- *2- 1— Buf °V- P- 9i .
pi. 5.— PI. Enl. 904.
Le petit Pluvier dore, Brif. Ora. v. p. 47. N° 2.
Green Plover, Raii Syn. p. i n . A. 2. 190. 9.— Will. Ora. 308. pi. 57-—
Sloan. Jam. p. 318. 10. pi. 269. 1.— Albin, i. pi. 75.'—Br. Zoo..
N° 208. pi. 72.— ArS. Zool. N° 399.
Bri Muf, Lev. Mu/.
T EN G TH ten inches and a half. Bill one inch, dufky : irides D tra rn ;» ,
dull red: the upper part of the plumage dulky, fpotted
with greenilh yellow : round the eyes and the chin almoft white :
fides of the head, the neck, and fides of the body, the fame as
the upper parts, but much paler: middle of the belly dulky
white: the greater quills are dulky : tail barred dulky and dull
yellow : legs black.
Individuals of this fpecies vary in colour : in fome the belly is
black, in others black and white; and the finaU claw is fome-
times obferved in lieu of an hind toe.
The male and female differ very little. In young birds the fpots
are not of a full yellow colour, inclining more to grey.
This elegant fpecies inhabits England the whole year, and Piacs.
breeds on feveral of our unfrequented mountains; is very com-
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