Place and
„ Manners.
flender lines: the feathered part of the thighs yellowifh white,
fpotted with brown : fides under the wings rufous, tranfverfely
fafciated with brown : back .deep brown, the feathers margined
with greyilh white : wings brown : ihafts of the prime quills
white: fecondaries and lefier coverts margined with grey: lower
coverts ferruginous, tranfverfely fafciated with brown: rump
brown, the feathers edged and fpotted with whitilh: tail Ihort,
brown, crofled with whitilh bands : legs blueilh black.
_ Inhabits the fens of Hudfon's Bay. Appears near Albany the beginning
of May ; going further north, and returning to Albany
in Augufi: it Hays there till September, when it departs for the
South. It lays four eggs, and appears in flocks, young and old
together, till their departure. Found in flocks in Nova Scotia in
OAober and November. Feeds on the Black-berried Heath, and
may be heard at a fmall diftance, by a kind of whiffling note.
Met with alfo in Newfoundland: called there Curlew. The natives
o f Hudfon’s Bay call it Wee-kee-me-nafe-Ju. It is eftemed for
its delicacy of flavour. In the Britijh Mufeum is one of thele,
which came from Rio Janeiro in South America.
This is certainly a diftindt fpecies.
Lev. Mu/*
L E S S than the common Snipe. Bill long and bent, but lefs
fo than in the Curlew ■, colour blackilh brown : the crown of
the head, hind part of the neck, and upper parts of the body,
are cinereous : the face, as far as the eyes, the chin, fore part of
the neck, rump, and belly, white: bread: cinereous, fpotted with
ferruginous: quills brown, with white Ihafts: from the firft to
9 the
the fourth plain ; from the fifth to the ninth white on the outer
margins : the fecond coverts tipped with white : edge of the
wing white and grey mixed : legs black.
This bird inhabits the marlhes and other moifl: grounds of the
Cape of Good Hope; and flies in flocks.
Pygmy Curlew, Gen. Birds, p. 64. pi. M,
g I Z E of a Lark. Bill black; bent like that of the Curlew:
head, back, and coverts of the wings, mixed with brown,
ferruginous, and white: primaries dufky, edged with white:
bread, belly, and rump, white : tail dufky ; the exterior feathers
edged with white : legs black.
Inhabits Holland.
D escription.
G enus