G e n u s LXXIX. G R E B E -
N* i . Crefted Gr.
2. Tippet Gr.
3. Cayenne Gr,
4. Eared Gr.
V a r . A.
j . Dufky Gr, -
6. Horned Gr.
V a r . A.
N° 7. Red-necked Gr.
8. Black-breafted Gr.
9. Louifiane Gr.
10. Little Gr.
V a r . A.
11 . White-winged Gr,
12; Black-chin Gr.
13. Pied-.bill Gr.
TH E bill in this genus is ftrong, flender, and fharp-
Noftrils linear.
Space between the bill and eye [or lore] bare of feathers.
Tongue flightly cloven at the end.
Body deprefled : feathers thick fet, compaft, and very fmooth
and gloffy.
Wings Ihort. No tail.
Legs placed far behind *, much comprefied, and doubly at the
back part.
Toes'furnilhed on each fide with a broad plain membrane.
This genus is placed by Linnaeus, with the Guillemot and Diver,
under the general name of Colymbus, without even a divifion;
but they differ materially from one another in many particulars,
* From the legs being as it were placed in the vent, fome of the genus have
been called, by the lower clafs, by the very vulgar name of drfe-fnt.