P l a c e .
, 17-
D escription.
negated with alh-colour and white: tail (lightly barred with cinereous
: throat and bread: white j the laft marked with a few
afh-coloured (pots : legs long, (lender, and a(h-coloured.
A (pecimen (hot near Spalding in Lincolnjhire.
Cambridge Godwit, Br. Zoo/, ii. N° 185.
L A R G E R than the common Redjhank. Head, upper part of
the neck, and back, cinereous brown t lefler wing coverts
brown, edged with dull white, and barred with black : primaries
dulky, whitifh on their inner fides: fecondaries barred dulky
and white : under fide of the neck and bread dirty white : belly
and vent white i tail barred cinereous and black - legs orange.
Shot near Cambridge. In the colle&ion of the Rev. Mr.
Scolopajt limofa, Lin. Sjft. i. p. 245. , 3._ J W Suee. Greed.
72* Muller, N° 190.— Georgi B.eife, 171.
La Barge, Brif. Orn. v. p. 262. i.— Buf. Oif. vii. p. joo. pi. 27.— PI. E d .
Stone Plover, Raii Sjn. p. 105. A. r.
Second fort of Godwit, Will. Orn. p. 29 j . pi. 55.
Lefler Godwit, Br. Zed. ii. N° 18z.
Jadreka, Ole,/. led. ii. p. 20i. t. 48,— Ar3. Zeel. N» 379.
L E N G T H feventeen inches : weight nine ounces. Bill near
four inches long, dulky, the bafe yellowilh : irides white : the
head and neck are einereous: cheeks and chin white: back brown :
on the wings a line of white : rump and vent white : two middle
tail feathers black, the others white at the ends; which increafes
on the outer feathers, fo as the exterior ones are white for nearly
the whole length : legs dulky.
This inhabits Iceland, Greenland, and Sweden. Migrates in
flocks in the fquth of Ruffia. Seen about lake Baikal-, and is
faid alfo to have been met with in England.
Scolopax glottis, Lin. Syjl. i. p, 245. 10.— Fdun.'/uee. 171.— Scop. Am. i.
N° 137.*—2?r##. 167.— Muller, p. 23.
La Barge grife, Brif. Orn. v. p. 267. 2. pi. 23. fig. 1.
■ — variée, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 503.
Pluvialis major, Raii Syn. p. 106. A. 8.
Greater Plover of Androvand, Will. Orn. p. 106. pi. 55.— Sloan Jam. p.
317. 9. pi. 268 ?— Raii Syn. p. 190. 6 i
Green-legged Horfeman, Albin, ii. pi. 69.
Greenfliank, Br. Zool. N° 183.— Ard. Zoo!. N° 379.
Br. Muf Lev. Muf
g I Z E of the Redjhank: length fourteen inches : weight fix ounces.
Bill two inches and a half long, black, and llender ; the upper
mandible is lirait, but bends a trifle downwards at the tip ; the
under curves in the fame manner upwards : the head, hind part
of the neck, and back, are pale alh-colour, marked down the
lhafts with brown ; the laft colour deepeft on the back, and occupying
moll of the middle feathers : over the eye is a ftreak of
white : fcapulars as the back : the lower part of the back, and
all the under parts from the breaft, white : quills dulky, marked
on the inner webs with white fpots j the five outer ones darkeft :
tail white, crolfed with dulky bars : legs dulky green, pretty long :
the outer toe united to the middle one as far as the firft joint :
claws black.
Thefe birds are fometimes in tolerable plenty on our coafts,
U 2 being
P lace.