Div. II. W A T E R BIRDS .
G e n u s LX . S P O O N B I L L .
N° i . White Sp. N° st. Rofeate Sp.
V a r . A . V a r . A. Scarlet Sp.
V a r . B. 3. Dwarf Sp.
BI L L long, broad, flat, and thin ; the end widening into a
roundifh form, not unlike a fpoon.
Noftrils fmall, placed near the bafe.
Tongue fmall and pointed.
Feet femipalmated.
Flatalea leucorodia, Lin. Syß. i. p. 231. I.—Muf. Adolph, ii. p. 26,—
Faun, Suec. 160,— Sctp, Ann. i. p. 115.—Brun. Orn, 46.— Muller,
N° 170.
La Spatule, Brf. Orn. v. p. 332.— Buf. Oif. vii. p. 448. pi. 24.—
PI. Enl. 405;
Felicane or Spoon-bill, Raii Syn. 102. \.— Will. Orn. p. 288. pi. 52.—
Kolb. Cape, ii. p. 142. pi. vii. f. 5.— Albin. ii. pi. 66.— Br. Zool. ii.
App, pi. 9.— ArS. Zool. p, 441* A.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of the Heron, but Ihorter in both neck and legs: length
two feet eight inches. The bill is fix inches and a half
long, very flat, and broadens out into the Ihape of a fpoon at
D escrip tion*.