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G enu s LXIII. B O A T - B I L L
N° i. Crefted B.
V a r . A. Spotted B.
V a r , B. Brown B.
TH E bill in this genus is broad, with a keel along the middle,
like a boat reverfed.
Noftrils fmall, lodged in a furrow.
Tongue fmall.
Toes divided.
Cancroma cochlearia, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 233. N° ¥i
La Cuilliere, Brif. Orn. v. p. 506.
Le Savacou, Buf, Oj. vii. p. 443. pl. 23.— *Y. Enl. 38,
Boat-bill, Bro*wn9 lllujir• p. 92. pl. 36.
Lev» Muf.
C I Z E of a fowl: length twenty-two inches. The bill is four
inches long, and of a Angular form, not unlike a boat with
the keel uppermoft, or, as fome think, like the bowls of two
fpoons, placed with the hollow parts together; the upper mandible
has a prominent ridge at the top, and .on each fide of this a
long channel, at the bottom of which the noftrils are placed j
thefe are oval, and fituated obliquely j the general colour of the
bill is dufky, or in fome fpecimens dark brown j the ikin between
the under jaw capable of diftenfion : from the hind head 7 fprings