parts of the wings are pale rufous, appearing on the fhoulders and
edges of them, when clofed : at the bend of the wing are two
ftrong, fharp, horny, yellow fpurs, one above another, the upper-
moft an inch and a half in length : the belly, thighs, and vent are
white : the tail eight inches and a half long, and black: the legs
flout and dulky : the fore claws moderately bent; the hind one
nearly ftraight, not unlike that of a Larky and one inch in length.
The female is faid to be like the male.
They are obferved to be always met with in pairs, and if one
dies, the other mourns to death for the lofs. They frequent
places near the water, make a large neft of mud, in the lhape
o f an oven, upon the ground *, and lay two eggs, the fize of
thofe of a Goofe. The young are brought up in the neft till able
to fttift for themfelves : they have but one neft in a year, which
is in January or February, except the firft eggs are taken away, in
which cafe they make a fecond in April or May. The young birds
are frequently eaten by the natives, though the colour of the fleih
is very dark; that of the old ones is tough, and ill tailed. By
fome authors this fpecies is faid to feed on crabs and birds, fuch
as pigeons, poultry, and even to attack Jheep and goats -, but this
is denied by others, who fay that its principal food is reptiles. In
the ftomach o f one which M. Bajon diffefted, there were only
found herbs and feeds of plants j however he adds, that the bird
has no gizzard. This is a rare fpecies, is found in certain dif-
tridls in Cayenne, Guiana, Surinam, and other parts of South America,
chiefly in the marlhes and wet favannas, and for the molt
• Authors differ. Bajon fays, that it makes the neft both in thickets, at Tome
diftance from the ground, and often among the rujhes. Fermin tells us, that it
builds on high trees. See Mem. fur Cay. and Defer. Sarin.
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