
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n.
Pla ce .
D e s c r i p t io n .
throat, and fore part of the neck, white j the laft ftreaked with
black : wing coverts ftreaked black and pale buff-colour : outer
edge of the wing white: quills dulky : legs greenifh.
Another of thefe, fuppofed to differ in fex, has a white line on
each jaw : fcapulars and greater wing coverts dulky, fpotted
with white at the ends.
Inhabits North America.
L’Aigrette roufie, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 378__PI. Enl. 902.— Ar£l. Zool.
N" 3+8.
T E N G T H two feet. Bill yellowilh, with a dulky point:
lore and round the eye green: the head and neck are covered
with loofe long feathers of a rufty rufous colour: the long
narrow feathers of the back o f the fame colour: the reft o f the
body blackilh grey: legs black.
Inhabits Louifiana.
La Bemi-Aigrette, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 378.
Heron bleuatre a ventre blanc de Cayenne, PI. Enl. 330.
J E N G T H fcarcely two feet. Bill dulky yellow; between
that and the eye bare, and of the fame colour : the head and
neck, as far as the breaft, and the upper parts, wings, and tail,
are deep blue black: the under parts of the body, and thighs,
white : the legs yellowilh : at the hind head hang two long feathers,
of the fame colour with the head: and on the lower part of
the back are a few long narrow rufous feathers, which fall over
the tail, which is very Ihort.
Inhabits Cayenne. I met with one of thefe in a collection Place.
from that part: it was two feet in length: bill yellow; tip
black : creft long, and white : head and neck inclining to violet:
chin and throat mottled with rufous white: long feathers over
the rump grey : legs brown : in other things it anfwered to the
above defcription.
La grande Aigrette, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 377 — PI. Enl. 923__Ard. Zool. 5g.
Guiratinga, Raii Syn. p. 101. 17?— Will. Orn. p. 28s !
T *H I S is double the lize of the European Egret, and the head D e s c r i p t io n .
is not crefted as in that fpecies. The bill is of a dirty yellow
; with the top and end dufky : the whole plumage white :
the narrow feathers which ipring from.the back are much longer
in this bird, and fuller, fo as to hang beyond the ta il: the legs
are black.
This is found at Cayenne, Guiana, and other parts o f South P la ce a n *
America; alfo at St. Domingo and Louijiane: at the firft-named M anne rs .
place is frequent, among the ijlets in the wet favannas ; not on the
borders offalt-Water rivers, nor the Jea; but only near ftagnant
waters or rivers, where it can Ihelter itfelf among the reeds. They
do not collect in docks, and are very Ihy, though not uncommon.
Bougainville * alfo met with Egrets in Falkland IJlands,
and took them at firft for common Herons. Towards night they
made a harfh barking noife, .not unlike that of the wolf which
frequents thofe parts.
Voy. p. 67.— It is moll likely to prove this, rather than the following, from
the lize.