[ *41 3
G e n u s LX XIV . J A C A N A,
N* i . Chefnut J.
2. Black J.
3. Brafilian J,
4. Green J.
5., Variable J.
N° 6. Luzonian J.
7. African J.
8. Chinefe J.
9. Faithful J.
T HIS genus has a flender, lharp-pointed bill, thickeft towards
the end; the bafe carunculated.
Noftrils fubovated, placed in the middle of the bill.'
Wings armed on the front with one or more fharp Ihort fpurs.
Toes four on each foot, very long, and furnilhed with long
ftrait pointed claws.
Parra Jacana, Lin, Syjl. i. p. 259. 3.
Le Chirurgien brun, Brif, Orn. v. p. 125. 4. pi. 11. fig. 1.
Le Jacana, Buf. Oif, viii. p. 185. pi. 16.— PI, Enl, 322»
Gallinula Brafilienfis, 41a. Marcgr. Rati Syn* p. 115. i i .
Yohualquachili, Rail Syn, p. 178. 5.
The fourth Brafilian Water Hen of Marcgrave, Will, Orn. p. 3it.
Le Chevalier, Ferm. Surin, ii. p. 193.
Spur-winged Water Hen, Ed**}, pi. 357.
Br, Muf, Lev, Muf.
g lZ E of the Water R ail: length nearly ten inches. Bill an inch
and a quarter, and of an orange-colour: on the forehead is a membranous
flap‘half an inch long, and nearly the fame in breadth;
®n each fide of the head is another of the fame, about a quarter
V o i. III. I i of.
D escription..