w o o d i .
G enus LXVI. I B I S .
N‘ 1. Wood Ibis. N° 11. Black I.
2. Scarlet I. 12. Bay I.
3. Cayenne I. V a r . A.
4. Mexican I. 13. Green I.
5. Black-faced I. 14. Glofly I.
6. White-necked I. 15. White-headed I.
7. Grey I. 16. Bald I.
8. Brown I. 17. Manilla I.
9. White I, 18. Lefler I.
10. Egyptian I. 19. Crefted I.
J3I L L long, thick at the bale, incurvated.
Face, and fometimes the whole- head, naked.
Noftrils linear.
Tongue fhort.
Toes conne&ed at the bafe by a membrane.
Tantalus loculator, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 240. 1.
Le grand Courli d’Amerique, Brif. Orn. v, p. 335. 8.
Couricaca, Buf. Oif. vii. p. 276.— PL EnL 868.— Rail Syn. p. 103. 4.—«
Will. Orn. p. 295. pi. 54.——Damp, Voy. iii. pi. in p. 96. fig. 2.
Wood Pelican, Catejl. Car. i. pi. 81.— Ar£l. Zool, N° 360.
g I Z E of a Gooje : length three feet. The bill is flout, nine
inches in length, and bends downwards towards the tip ; the
colour of it yellowilh brown : irides pale rufous : the fore part
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