more efpecially in the legs : in the Grehes they are not webbed 5
the GuillemotSy though web-footed, have only three toes, all
placed forwards $ and the Divers have three toes before and one
behind *.
Colymbus criftatus, Lin. Syß. i; p. 222. 7*"““ Faun. Suee. N° 151.— Scop.
Ann. i. N° 99.— Brun. 135.— Muller, N° 57.— Frifcb. tab. 183.
La Grebe huppée, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 38. 2. pi. 4.— Buf. Oif. viii. p. 233.—
PL Enl. 944.
La Grebe cornue, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 45. 4. pi* 5* Oif. viii.
p. 233. pi. 19.— PL Enl. 400.
Colymbus major criltatus & cornutus, Raii Syn. p. 124. A. 2.
Greater crefted and horned Ducker, Will. Orn. p. 340. § 4. 5. pi. 61.-*-
Plott. Hiß. Staff, p. 229. pi. 22.— Albin, i. pi. 81. ii. pi- 75-
Great crefted Grebe, Br. Zool. N° 223.— Ar£l. Zool p» 49^* A.
Br. Muf Lev. Muf.
C I Z E of a Duck : length twenty-three inches : breadth twentythree
and a half. Bill two inches and a half long, of a reddifh
flefh-colour ; tip brown : lore and irides crimfon : head greatly
enlarged with feathers, fo as to make it appear unnatural ; thefe
feathers are much elongated on each fide of the hind head, appearing
like ears, and from thence rounded like a ruff to the
under jaw; the colour black, except the middle of the laft, which
is bright ferruginous : the hind part of the neck, upper parts of
the body, and wings, are brown : fides of the head, round the
eyes, and under parts, from chin to vent, filvery white : in
many birds a mixture of pale ferruginous acrofs the bread : on
the wings an oblique white bar : the inner ridge of the wing is
alfo white : legs dulky.
» See Brif. Orn. vol. vi. p. 33. 70. 104.— Gen. of Birds, p. 46. JI.
V ol. III. o o The