68 H E R O N .
D e s c r i p t io n .
the fame colour as the back : the under parts of the body and
tail are white : the legs yellow.
Inhabits Senegal.
Ardea vîrefcens, Lia. Syft. i. p. 238. 20.
Le Crabier verd, Brif Orn. v. p. 486. 43. pi. 38. fig. 1. (male).
-------------------- tacheté, Brif. Ora. v. p. 490. 44. pi. 38. fig. 2. (female).
Le Crabier verd, Buf. Oif vii. p. 404. (male).
----------------B § : tacheté, Id. p. 405.— PI. Ext. 912. (female).
Small Bittern, Caiejl. Car. i. pl.8a.
I Green Heron, Jr£l, 'iooi. N° 34g.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf
g IZ E of a fmall Fowl: length eighteen inches. The bill is
greenilh brown ; the under mandible yellowilh next the bafe;
between that and. the eye bare and yellow : irides yellow: the
crown of the head of a blackilh gold green, mixed with a glofs
of copper in fome lights, and the feathers elongated, forming a
handfome creft : neck ferruginous bay : chin and throat white :
the reft of the neck before ftreaked with white : in the direftion
of the under jaw, beneath it, a ferruginous ftreak: back, tail, and
wings, dulky brown, with a tinge of lead-colour : the leffer wing
coverts and prime quills the colour of the back, edged with buff-
colour : the middle and larger wing coverts gloffy dark green, with
ferruginous edges : the breaft and belly dulky : the feathers on tha
lower part of the neck are narrow, and fall over the breaft ; thofe
c f the back the fame, covering the rump: the legs greenilh.
The female has the crown dulky; the feathers of it fcarcely
elongated: feathers of the neck pale brown, ftreaked' with
white : back and fcapulars brown ; the laft marked with white 5 , juft
H E R O N. 69
juft at the t ip : all the wing coverts have a triangular white
fpot at the tip : the laft row of wing coverts are tipped like
the others, and margined with the fame: fecondary quills dulky
green, with pale edges ; the greater brown, gloffed with green,
and tipped with white: the under parts of the body pale alh-
colour : bill and legs as in the male.
Inhabits New Tork, and other parts of North America; as alfo
Jamaica, and other Weft India IJlands. I have received thefe from
both places, and obferve that the Jamaica one is higheft coloured.
Suppofed to breed in Carolina, as they are found there
only in fummer. It feeds on fmall fifh, frogs, and crabs. Sits
with the head drawn in between the lhoulders for a long time
together, on a branch of a tree hanging over the water; from
whence it may poflibly dart on a fifh, in the fame manner as the
belted Kingfijher * ; which likewife is known by the name of Crab-
catcher in Jamaica.
P lace and
M anners.
Le Crabier gris à tête & queue vertes, Buf. Oif. vii.p. 408.
Crabier de Cayenne, PI. Eal. 908.
C I Z E of the laft. Bill black: the crown of the head crefted,
and coloured as in that bird : general colour of the plumage
pale Hate-colour: fore part of the neck white,, marked with longitudinal
ferruginous ftreaks : chin pure white : wing coverts
blackilh green, margined with rufous : tail lhort, of the fame
colour as the creft : legs yellow.
Found at Cayenne. This is moft certainly a. mere variety of
the laft, if not of a different fex.
* Vol, i. p. 637. 27. A.
- 3°-
V a r . A.
D e s c r ip t ion.