and of a reddifh colour : claws black. In young birds the tubercles
round the eyes are very fmall, or yvholly wanting.
Thefe inhabit New Zealand, and feveral other parts explored
by our late circumnavigators; and are apt to vary in regard to
the colour of their extremities, as well as fize, in the different
places in which they have been feen. In thofe from Kerguelen's
Land fome had brown legs, with the toes black; and others the
legs white, or a pale blue. In one. met with at Staaten Land the
legs were black ; and the bill in fome fpecimens of a pale brown.
Thefe birds haunt the fea fhores. in flocks, and feed on Shell
Fijh. and carrion*. In refpeft to' their being ufed for food, our
voyagers differ greatly: fome of them put it in competition with
the Duck f; while others tell us that it is worfe' than carrion-, for it
had fuch a horrid offenfive fmell, that they could not venture to
tafte the flefh, and that at a time when they were not eafily dif-
guftedj: we may therefore venture to conclude, that thofe who-
praifed it as a delicacy were at leaft very hungry.
Place and
Forß. Voy. i. 5,18. + Cook's laß Voy. i. p. % Forß. Foy. ii. p. 205,..-
O r d e r
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