
D e s c r ip t io n .
thighs, and vent, white : bread; and Tides yellowifh, dafhed with
brown ; the laft barred tranfverfely with the fame : the three
firft quills are plain black; the fourth fpotted on the inner web;
and the others on both webs ; the fecondaries much the fame-,
but the ground colour grey : tail grey, barred with brown : legs
red brown.
This inhabits Madagafcar, and feems very fimilar to our
Le Courlis tacheté de Tille de Luçon, Son«. Voy. p. 83. pi. 48.— Buf. O if.
viiî. p. 32.
H I S is much lefs than the common Curlew. The top of the
head black ; the reft of the head, neck, and breaft, white,
marked with narrow longitudinal ftreaks of black: the belly,
with tranfverfe femicircular bands of the fame : wing coverts
and back the colour of amber; on the margin of every feather
from two to fix white fpots : greater quills black : tail vinaceous
grey, crofted with black-lines.
Inhabits the ifland of Luç ont a.
J ^ J E A R L Y the fize of the common Curlew : length twenty
inches. Bill four inches long, moderately bent, and brown;
bafe reddifh : the head and neck pale reddilh white, marked with
numerous dulky lines, perpendicularly placed’: crown of the head
brown : over the eye a pale ftreak : back dufky black, the feathers
margined with pale reddilh white, appearing waved : the under
parts, from the breaft, of this laft colour, with a few mottled
marks over the thighs : the wing coverts reddilh white and dulky
mixed: quills dulky, with pale edges : tail of a dirty yellow;
the bafe half marked with irregular dufky fpots; the end half
barred acrofs with the fame : legs blue grey : claws black.
This inhabits Otaheite. where it is known by the name of
‘Tevrea. In the colledtion of Sir Jofeph Banks.
g I Z E and lliape of the common Curlew. Bill pretty long, and
red: the head and part of the neck white: the reft of the
plumage of a very deep blue, except the quills, which are black :
legs cinereous grey.
This was met with at the Cape of Good Hope. From the
drawings of Sir Jofepb Banks.
Scolopax Ph$opus, Lin. SyJ}. i. p. 243. 4.— Faun. Suee. p. 169.— Scop.
Ann. i. N° 132.— Brun. N° 159.—Muller, p. 22,— Kram. El. p. 350.
——Georgi Reife, 171.
Corlieu, ou petit Courly, Brif, Orn. v. p. 317, 2. pi. 27. fig. 1.— Buf. Off,
viii. p. 27.— PI. Enl. 842.
Whimbrel, Rati Syn. p. 103. A. 2.—Will. Orn. p. 294.— Ed<w, pi. 307.—
Br. Zoo/, ii. N® 177. pi. 64.— Ar£l. Zool, p. 462. B.
Lev. Muf.
J ^ E N G T H feventeen inches; breadth twenty-nine: weight
fourteen ounces and a half. The bill three inches long,
black; the bafe of the under mandible pale red : the head, neck,
and breaft, pale brown, ftreaked with dulky brown: chin white :
the fides of the head are alfo fomewhat paler than the reft; and:
between the bill and eye is a dufky ftreak : all the upper parts of
the body and wing coverts are pale brown, ftreaked with dulky,
R 2 each