V ar. B.
P lace.
V ar". C.
I L.
r p H E head in this variety is paler, and,the ftreak over the eye
grey : the hind part of the neck tranfverfely ftriated brown
and white : the middle of the back, and fcapulars, white, with a
very little mixture of brown on the firft : wing coverts olive
brown, tranfverfely blotched with white ; fécond quills white on
the inner webs, on the outer olive brown ; the greater quills olive
brown, marked with large ferruginous fpots ; the firft wholly
white, the fécond white within : tail even with the end of the
quills, barred olive brown and white : all the under parts white :
bill and legs pale yellow brown.
Inhabits Tongataboo. In the collection of Sir Jofeph Banks.
Rallus ifriatus» Lin. Syft. i. p. 262. 5.
Le Râle rayé des Philippines, Brif. Orn. v. p. 167. 5. pl. 14. fig. 2.
Le Tiklin raye, Bu/. OiJ\ viii. p. 161.
T h i s is in length eight inches and a quarter. Bill above an
inch and a quarter long, and horn-colour : crown of the head
dufky and chefnut mixed : hind part of the neck plain chefnut ;
the lower part of it, the back, and fcapulars, dufky brown, marked
with whitifh fpots : rump and upper tail coverts the fame, but
paler : on the wing coverts a few tranfverfe white ftreaks : throat
rufous white : cheeks, fore part of the neck, breaft, and upper
part of the belly, afh-colour, with an olive tinge : the lower
part of the belly, fides, and thighs, barred dufky and white :
quills deep brown, barred with rufous white on the outer, and
with white on the inner webs : tail dufky brown barred with
white : legs grey brown.
Inhabits the Philippine JJles.
l i
R A I U *33
Rallus torquatus, tin. Syft. i. p. z62. 6.
Le Râle à collier des Philippines, Brif. Orn. V. p. 170. 6. pl. 15. fig. I.
Le Tiklin à collier, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 16z.
TRIGGER than the Land Rail: length twelve inches. Bill
. more than an inch and a half in length, grey brown : the
plumage on the upper parts brown tinged with olive : cheeks
and throat dirty black : from the bafe of the bill a ftreak of
white paffes under each eye, and finifhes fome way behind it :
the under part, from chin to vent, tranfverfely ftreaked with black
and white, except juft above the breaft, where a band of chefnut
three quarters of an inch broad encircles it as a collar: thighs
barred brown and white : the quills have the outer margins paler ;
the three firft banded with white on the inner webs, and the fix
following with rufous chefnut : tail brown : legs the colour of
the bill.
This fpecies inhabits the Philippine Jßes.
Rallus fufcus, tin. Syft. i. p* 26z. 4.
Le Râle brun des Philippines, Brif. Orn. v. p. Î73. 7. pl. 15. fig. 2.
— Pl. Enl. 773.
Le Tiklin brun, Bnf* Oif. viii. p. 161.
T E N G T H feven inches. Bill three quarters of an inch long,
and brown : the plumage on the upper parts is brown : beneath
reddifh brown, paleft on the throat : lower part of the
belly inclining to grey : beneath the tail barred with black and
white : legs yellow.
Found at the Philippine Ifles, with the four laft defcribed ; all
of which go by the general name of Piklin.
V o l . III. H h