214 P R A T I N C O L E .
I •
V ar. B.
P lace*
V ar. C.
Plac e.
V ar*. D.
Perdrix de Mer, Son. Voy. p. 216.
H I S is nine inches in length. The bill black: irides red
brown : the head and upper parts of the body the colour of
umber: under wing coverts red brown : throat white, furrounded
with a black band, and each feather has a longitudinal black line :
the quills and tail are black : the rump, belly, and vent; white.
This was taken at open fea, in the latitude of the Maldivia
IJles. ' It lived a month on flies, and bread foaked in water. Mr.
Sonnerat mentions two other fpecies.
^ H E fecond has the head and upper parts paler: throat
rufous white, encircled with a black band : quills blackilh
brown : beneath the wings bright chefnut: tail forked ; the feathers
white half way from the bafe, and brown the reft of their
length, with a fpot of dirty grey at the end : rump and upper
tail coverts white, occupying more fpace than in the former:
bread: rufous white : belly and vent white : irides reddilh : bill
and legs black.
Found on the coaft of Coromandel.
*TpHE third is lefs than the others. The wings reach beyond
the end of the ta il: top of the head deep brown : neck,
back, and wing coverts dirty rufous grey : quills brown : under
wing coverts pale red brown : upper tail coverts white, but this
takes up lefs fpace than in the others : the two middle tail feathers
are brown; the others the fame, with a curved white mark at the
ends; the outer ones half white from the bafe, and brown the
P R A T I N C O L E .
reft of their length: breaft and belly pale brown: thighs and
vent white : bill and legs black : irides red brown.
This alfo is found about Madras, and other parts on the coaft
of Coromandel.
Tringa fufca, Lin. Syji. i. p. 252. 22.
La Perdrix de Mer du Senegal, Brif Orn. v. p. 148. 4»
brune, Buf. OiJ\ vii. p. 544.
J ^ E N G T H nine inches and a half. Bill eleven lines long,
and brown : general colour of the plumage brown : tail
forked as in the others : legs brown.
Inhabits Senegal.
La Perdrix de Mer tachetee, Brif* Orn. v. p. 147. 3.
La Giarole, Buf \ Oif. vii. p. 545.
Gallinula melampus, Rotknuffel, Rail Syn. p. 109. 9*mmmWill> Orn. p. 3°4'
pi. 56. (fig* bad.)
C I Z E of the others. The bill is black: the head, neck, breaft,
^ and upper part of the belly, are fpotted brown and white:
the upper parts of the body brown, but the fpots lefs diftin£t:
the lower part of the belly, fides, and vent, rufous white, fpotted
with black: the quills are black: the fecond quills black and
alh-colour: tail whitilh, tipped with black: legs and bare fpace
above the knees of this laft colour.
Inhabits Germany.
VOL. III. G g G e n u s