P l a c e .
D escrip tion.
P l a c e .
Inhabits Virginia, frequenting the lakes and fivers: feeds on
lizards, frags, and fifh. '
Ardea Hudfonias, Lin. Syji. i. p. 258. 18.
Le Heron de la Baye de Hudfon, Brif. Or«, v. p. 407'. 7— Buf. Oif. vii.
p. 3S6. ' ’
AIh-coloured Heron from North America, Edvo. pi. 13;.— Ara. Zool
N” 342.
Lev. Mu/
T H I S is a]1° a large fpecies, though lefs than the laft;. length
three feet three inches. Bill five inches and a. half long;
the upper mandible black; the under orange : the crown of the
head black, and crefted; the longeft feathers four inches in
length: between the bill and eye naked, of a greenilh yellow :
fides and under part of the head white: neck covered with
long flender feathers, marked with dulky bars on the hind part,
and before with broad white dafhes down thé middle of each
feather: the back-and.upper part of the body cinereous brown :
wing coverts paleft : inner edge of the wing reddilh : breaft
white, marked with long fpots of black: thighs reddilh brown :
belly and vent white: legs dulky: middle claw peftinated; hind
claw very long.
Inhabits North America, from New York to Hudfon’s Bay, frequenting
the inland lakes of the laft place in fummer. By foroe
fuppofed to be the female of the laft*.
* Ara. Zool.
H E R O N .
Rufty-crowned Heron, Aroi. Zool. N° 358.
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of the, common Bittern. Head fmooth, llightly crefted:
bill feven inches long, (lender, yellow :l. irides the fame: forehead
dulky : throat white: creft and back part of the neck deep
ferruginous ; on the fore part four ftreaks of black : feathers of
the breaft long and loofe: a dark line pafies from the breaft upwards
to the back of the neck : back and wing coverts deep ferruginous,
marked with a few black fpots: quills dulky: tail
fhort, lead-coloured.: belly and breaft dirty white, ftriped with
b la c k le g s dirty yellow.
-Inhabits North America.
Alh-coloured Heron, Ara. Zool. N° 353.
J ^ E N G T H two feet one inch. Bill ftrong, black: cheeks
and chin whitifh : neck pale cinereous brown, ftreaked before
with white : back, wings, and tail, cinereous, clouded round
each feather with dulky ; feathers on the fides of the back long
and broad, hanging over the ends of the wings: belly white:
legs yellowilh.
Inhabits New York: arrives in May ; breeds, and leaves the
country in Oblober.
Streaked Heron, Arfl. Zool. N° 3.54-0.
Lev* Mu/.
JT E N G T H feventeen inches. Bill two inches: crown dulky:
cheeks and hind part of the neck rufty and black: chin,
(J. throat,
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e *
D escrip tion,
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n^