
Place and
mandible, and from thence through the eyes, and behind them
to the ears, black : forehead white: behind this, from eye to eye,
black : the reft of the head pale brown: chin and throat white,
palling round the neck in a broad collar: beneath this, on the
lower part of the neck, is a fecond of black, encircling the
neck behind, but growing narrow as it paffes backward: breaft
and all the under parts white : back and wing coverts pale brown:
quills dulky, mixed with fome white on the inner webs : the two
middle feathers of the tail greyilh brown, growing almoft black
towards the ends ; the three next on each fide the fame, with the
tips white; the laft but one is white, with a brown band: the
outer one white, marked with a fpot only: legs orange-colour :
claws black.
In the male the white on the forehead takes up more Ipace
than in the female, there is a greater portion of white in the
wings, and the plumage inclines more to alh-colour.
Thefe birds migrate into England in the fpring, and depart in
autumn: frequent our fhores during the fummer. They lay
four eggs, an inch and a half in length, of a pale alh-colour,
fpotted and blotched with black, leaft fo at the fmall end : thefe
they lay on the ground, under fome Ihelter, but make no neft.
They run very faft, fometimes taking Ihort flights, twittering loud
at the fame time, then alight and run again, and if much difturbed,
either fly quite off, or creep into fome hole till the danger is
over. •
Found alfo in feveral parts of the continent, and in Greenland,
as well as in various parts of America, in the fouthern as well as
the northern extremes. Vifits Hudfon’s Bay the middle of June,
and departs in September. Has the fame manners there as in
England. Is a folitary bird; and obferved, on any one’s approaching
near the neft, to ufe many ftratagems to decoy the
perfon from it, by drawing off his attention. Called at Hudfon’s
Bay, Kifqua the napi fhifh.
g I Z E of the laft: length fix inches and a half. Bill black :
forehead, and before as far as the breaft, white, palling round
the lower part of the neck as a collar: the reft of the plumage
pale dulky alh-colour : the end half of the tail dulky black, the
tip fringed with rufous : legs pale.
Inhabits Cayenne. I have alio feen this pale-coloured variety
brought from Owhyhee, and have one of the fame which came
from Hudfen’s Bay. We believe it to be a variety only of the
laft; and feems to be at leaft as plentiful on the American continent
as the dark-coloured one.
+- V ar. A.
Charadrius Alexandrinus, Lin, Sy/i. i . p . 253. 2.—
N ° 30.— Mullert N ° 210.— Brun. App. p . 7 7 .
L e Pluvier a Co llier, Sri/. Orn. v . p . 60. pl. 5. fig* 1
•Hajjelq. It. p. 256.
g I Z E of a Lark. Bill black : forehead white, pafling backwards
in a ftreak over the eye : from the bafe of the bill a
ftreak of black runs through the eye, and reaches behind to the
ears : the top of the head, the back, and wings, brown : round
the neck a collar of white * : belly white : the quills blackilh
grey; the firft has a white lhaft; from the fifth to the eighth
each feather has an oblong white fpot on the outer web : fecon-
daries and larger coverts tipped with white: the four middle tail
BriJJon's bird has a b lack collar beneath the white one.
D d 2 feathers