a?+ PHA L A R O P E .
P l a c e .
Pla ce .
Le Phalarope brun, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 18. N° 3.
Coot-footed Tringa, Ed*w, pi 46,
Brown Phalarope,. W d? Zvol. N® 414.'
g I Z E of the other. Bill flender, a trifle bent at the end, and
black: crown of the head black : the colour of the upper parts-
not unlike thole of the Purre: fore part of the neck afti-colour,
with a flight bloflom-coloured tinge : the reft of the under parts
white : legs black: the toes furnilhed with a fcalloped membrane
on the fides.
Inhabits America. One of the above flew on board a Ihip on
the coaft of Maryland.
J ^ E N G T H feven inches and a half. Bill one inch, black:
the feathers on the upper parts of the bird brown, edged with
white: under parts white, tranfverfely barred with dulky: quills
dulky, with the ends brown, and the margins and tips very pale:
tail the fame, fpotted on both webs with white : legs dulky.
Inhabits Chrijlmas IJland. In the colleftion of Sir Jofepb-
G enus