t 19* 1
G e n u s LX X. P L O V E R .
N* I. Golden PI.
V a r . A .
а. Ruddy PI.
3. Long-legged PI.'
4. Sanderling.
V a r . A.
j . Alwargrim PI.
б. NoifyPl.
V a r . A.
7. Collared PI.
J 8. Ringed PI.
V a r . A.
9. Alexandrine PI.
V a r . A.
V a r . B.
V ar. C.
10. New Zealand PI.
11. Gregarious PI.
12. Aliatic PI.
N° 13. Mongolian PI.
14. Dotterel.
V ar. A.
V ar. B. •
15. Black-crowned PI.
16. Dulky PI.
17. Fulvous PI.
V ar. A.
x8. White-bellied PI.
19. Red-necked PI.
20. Spur-winged PI.
V ar. A .
V ar. B.
21. Hooded PI.
22. Wreathed PI.
23. Wattled PI.
24. Black-headed PI.
25. Cream-coloured PI.
26. Coromandel PI.
BI L L ftrait, for the moil part not longer than the head*.
Noftrils linear.
Toes three in number, all placed forwards.
• The long-legged, N° 3, is an exception, as the bill is nearly of twice that
length. The two laft fpecies likewife differ in the bills, [being curved at the
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