I .
V ar. A.
pearance of an enemy j it rather trufts to its legs than its wings,,
as it runs very fall and flies but ill, and during flight the legs
hang down : it will alfo frequently take to the water, where it
fwims tolerably well 5 and often feen to run on the furface, if
there be any weeds to bear it up. This bird is alfo found in
plenty on the continent of Europe, Sweden, Norway, and Rujfia
throughout: likewife in the weftern part of Stbiria. On the
continent is migratory, being feen fpring and autumn palling
over the ifland of Malta •, and has been met with at fea fifty-
leagues diftant from the coaft of Portugal *,
Rallus Virginianus, Lin. Syß. u p. 263. to.
Le Râle de Penfilvanie, Brif, Ont. vi. Suppl, p. 138'..
American Water Rail, Edw.'pl. 279.
Virginian Rail, Arft. Zool. N° 408*
Lev» Muß
g IZ E of the laft. Bill dulky, with the point black ; the under
mandible reddilh at the bafe f : irides red: crown dulky l
fides alh-coloured : from the bill, over each eye, a ftreak of white:
chin the fame : hind part of the neck, back, and tail, brown
ftreaked with black ; fore part of the neck and breaft brownilh
orange : lower part of the belly, fides, and thighs, barred dulky
and white : vent white, orange, and black, mixed : the wing coverts
reddilh brown : ridge of the wings white : quills and tail'
dulky : legs dark flelh-colour.
Inhabits Penjylvania.
» Hiß. dtsOif,
t Si-wards mentions a final! degree of baldnefs on the forehead ; but I could
never Und it in any which haye come under my infpeflion.
r a i l ;
Clapper Rail, A r il. Zool. N° 407.
l e v . Muf.
T A R G E R than our Rail: length from fourteen to lixteen
inches. Bill two inches long ; colour dulky brown: crown,
and all the upper parts of the bird* olive brown, the feathers
edged with pale alh-colour : cheeks alh-colour: chin white: fore
part of the neck and breafiryellowilh brown : fides over the thighs
barred alh-colour and white : legs brown.
Inhabits New Tork from May to October. Lays in June. Is
called there the Meadow Clapper*..
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E of a fmall Fowl: length feventeen inches. Bill reddilh
brown, two inches long, and a trifle bent: irides dirty yellow
: the feathers of the crown, neck, back, bread:, and belly,
are brown, margined with rufous grey : cheeks and throat cinereous
: over the eye a ftreak of the fame : the wings are very
lhort; the coverts the fame colour as the back : the baftard wing
furnilhed with a fpine, which is half an inch long, ftrait, pointed,
and lies hid among the feathers : quills brown, marked with
tranfverfe ferruginous fpots on each margin: vent and fides
brown: tail four inches long; browrr, margined with rufous
grey : legs reddilh brown.
That in the Leverian Mujeum has the upper parts o f a deep
chefrtut, the feathers dalhed with black down the lhafts : the under
parts cinereous, verging to chefnut on the breaft: quills;.
« Aril. ZmL
2. 4- CLAPPER R»