' 5-
Tantalus leucocephalus, Zool. Ind. p. 20. t. 10.
White-headed Ibis, Ind. Zool. p. 11. pi. 10.
Description. TT A R G E R than our Curlew. Bill yellow, very long, and
thick at the bafe, and a little incurvafed : noftrils very narrow,
and placed near the head : all the fore part of the head,
quite behind the eyes, covered with a bare yellow fkin, which
feems a continuation of the bill ; the reft of the head, neck, back,
Place and
belly, and fecondaries, white : acrofs the breaft a tranfverfe broad
band of black : the quills and wing coverts black : tail coverts
very long, and of a fine pink-colour; thefe fall over, and conceal
-the tail : the legs and thighs very long, and of a dull flelh-colour :
the feet connefted by webs as far as the firft joint.
This bird was taken in the IJle o f Ceylon, and kept tame for
fome time at Colombo: it made a fnapping noife with the bill,
. like a Stork-, and, what was remarkable, its fine rofy feathers loft
their colour during the rainy feafon.
Ccmrly à tête nue, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 32.— PI. Enl. 86y.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
D escription. C IZ E of the common Curlew : length from twenty-fix to thirty-
one inches. Bill five inches and three quarters long, and of a
red colour : the head and part of the neck bare of feathers, and
tuberculated at the back part ; the whole crown is red, the reft
white : fkin of the throat flaccid, dilatable, and bare of feathers
: irides brown : the plumage in general black, glofifed with
green on the wing coverts ; the tips of them gloffed with copper :
the tail confifts of twelve feathers, and is feven inches long : the
wings reach almoft to the end of i t : legs pale red.
The female fcarcely differs, except in having the top of the
head more flat.
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope, and other parts of Africa.
Found near watery places. Not difficult to be tamed, as one was
kept for a time in the Company’s garden at the Cape.
Le Courly brun de l’lfle de Logon, Son. Pay. p. 85. pi. 47.—Buf. Oif.
viii. p. 31.
g I Z E of our Curlew. Bill greenifh : eye encircled with a naked
greenilh fkin ; irides bright red •. general colour of the plumage
rufous brown : legs the colour o f red lake.
Inhabits the ifland of Luponia. Place*
Tantalus minutus, Lin. ijl. i-p. 241. £*-
LelTer Ibis, Ed<w. pi* 356*
C IZ E of the WhimbreJ, or lefs. Bill two inches and a half long,
blue at the bafe, black at the point: fides, between the bill
and eyes, and round them, bare : plumage on the upper parts of
the body and tail dufky brown : the feathers of the breaft loofe,
and longer than the reft: rump and under parts whiter legs,
dark lead-colour: claws black.
Inhabits Surinam.. Place»