V ar. D.
with black and grey: wing coverts finely undulated blacks and
afh-colour : the- fecond quills and tail are undulated grey and
black, with three or four oval fpots of a pale rufous, encircled
with black: the great quills are banded with rufous and black
alternately : the under part of the body white : legs the colour of
the bill.
Inhabits Madagafcar..
Rallus Benghalenfis, Lin. Syft. i. p, 263. S’._
Le Chevali.r de Bengale, Brif. Orn. v. p. 209. o,
-----------— vert, Buf. QiJ,\ vii. p. 520..
Bengal Water Rail, Albtn, iii. pi. 90.
C I Z E of the laft : length eight inches and. a half. Bill fhorter.
crown of the head white: round the eye3 the fame, palling,
towards the hind head, and ending in a point: fides of the
head, throat, and neck, deep brown : upper part of the back,
the fcapulars, and wing coverts, green: lower part of the back
and rump, the upper tail coverts, and under parts of the body,
white: prime quills purple; the outer-webs marked with five
orange fpots : the fecondaries. are green, and as long as the
greater quills; the one neareft the body white: tail purple,
marked with orange fpots: legs of a greenilh yellow*
Inhabits Bengal. I have fcarce a doubt of this being a further
variety of the Cafe, fpecies.
than ia the others; colour of it and the irides yellow t
JLa Beccafine de Mad raft, Brif. Orn. v. p. 308; 4 .'—B a f Oif. vii. p. 496,
Partridge Snipe, Rait-Syn, p. 193.pl. U fig. 2.
t jp H I S has a pale rufous bill: the upper parts mixed with fulvous
and blackilh : down the middle of the crown a black-
ilh brown ftripe ; and on each fide of the head, behind the eye,
another : on the back are two black brown bands : the throat
D escr IPTIOK.
and fore part of the neck fulvous, marked with blackilh fpots:
the reft of the under parts white, except a band of black acrols
the breaft : the quills and tail are variegated with black, fulvous,
and grey : the hind-toe o f equal-length with the lore ones.
Inhabits Madras.. Placed
La Beccaffine blanche des Indes, Son. Voy. Jnd. vol.ii. p. 218.
J ^ E S S than ours. Bill black: the head white, tinged with
very pale dirty grey: through the eye a grey ftreak, reach-
ing.almoft to the hind head a little beneath the eye is another
of the fame colour : throat white: neck and breaft dirty white,
marked with fpots and longitudinal ftreaks of dirty grey : the
back, rump, wing coverts, fecondaries, and tail, dirty grey,
croffed with waved bands of the colour of um b e rthe leffer wing
coverts are almoft white on the outer web ; and the greater ones
deep dirty grey: the belly and vent are white : the fides of the
belly croffed with pale dirty grey bands : legs black.
Inhabits India. Place»