
170 S A N D P I P E R .
I 2 .
4- green sv
D e s c r i p t io n ,
Tfinga ochropus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 250.. 13__Faun. Suu. 1 So.— Muller,.
p. 23.— Brim. N° 183.— Fri/ch. ii. 239*
Le Beccaffeau„ou Cal blanc,, Brif. Or«, v. p. 177. I. pi. 16. fig. 1.__Baf.
Oif. vii. p. 534.— PI. Enl. 843.
'Fringa of Aldrovand, Raii Sjn. p. 108. A. 7.— Will. Or«, p. 300. pi. 56..
(Cinclus Belloniu-).
Tringa tertia Aldrov. Raii Syn. p. 109. 8__Will. Or«. 301. pi. $6.
Green Sandpiper, Br. Zool. N° ____ Aril. Zool. N° 389.
Lev. Muf.
y , E N G T H ten inches. Bill one inch and a half long, black.:
top of the head and- hind part of the neck dulky alh-colour :
over the eye -a pale ftreak; and between the bill and eye dulky :
back and wings greenifh glofiy brown; the edges of the feathers-
fpotted with dirty white; chin white: fore part of the neck,
dulky white, marked with dark ftreaks : from thence to the vent
white; as are the upper and lower tail coverts: quills and outer
edge of the wing plain dulky brown: fecondaries nearly as long
as the quills: under the wings dulky, the feathers barred with
white, the bars meeting obliquely, and forming the lhape of the
letter V : the tail is white,, the feathers more or lefs barred with
dulky; the outer one leaft of a ll: the legs are of a greenifh lead-
colour, flender : the outer and middle toes united at the bafe by
a membrane.
This bird is common to many parts of Eupopey and is for
the moll part a folitary fpecies. It frequents frelh waters and
itreams. Is very plenty in the watery places of Ruffia and Siki-
T ia and is found as far as Iceland. It is allb in Liu gland, though
rather fcarce; and I am not clear that it is feen, except in the
winter feafon, having never heard of the circumltance: nor is it 7 ever
S -A N D P I P E R , 171
ever met with in greater numbers than four or five together. Is
found alfo in America. This has a mullty kind of fmell, not unlike
fome of the Petrel genus.
T r in g a littorea, Lin, Syjl. i. p. 251. N° 17 .— Faun» Sue:» N° 185.-—Brun.
N ° 177- 17-8.— Mullert N ° 200.
h e Chevalier cendré, Brif* Orn. v . p. 203. 7 . pi. 17* fig* 2«
■ ■ — — varié, Buf. Oif, v ii. p. 5 1 7 .— PI. Enl. 300«
M r . Oldham’ s white Heron, Albin, iii. p i. 89.
Shore Sandpiper, Arft. Zool. p. 481. F.
V ar. At.
♦ p H I S differs not materially from the other. The fpots on the
back are ferruginous inftead of white: the lhaft of the firlt
quill is white, as in that bird; and the fecondaries have white
tips: the legs are brown.
This bird is faid to migrate from Sweden into England at the
approach of winter*.
Brunnich mentions a further variety, wherein tlje firft quill has
a black lhaft, and the fpots on the back and wings lefs: and ob-
ferves, that they differ in age and fex.
D e s c r i p t io n,
P l ace,'
J ^ EN G TH ten inches. Bill one inch and a quarter long, and Var2 B
black: head and hind part of the neck pale alh-colour: D e s c r i p t io n
through the eye a dulky ftreak : forehead white : over the eye a
line of the fame : back and wings cinereous, marked with whitilh
fpots, not very confpicuous : fides of the head, and under parts,
dirty white; acrofs the breaft verging to alh-colour: quills
dulky : tail the fame ; all but the two middle feathers barred with
white on the outer webs : legs dulky green.
• Ameen. Acad. iv. p. 590.
Z 2 Inhabits