Place and
Fulica chloropus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 258. 4.— Stop, Ann* i. N° 153.“--Fmr.
Orn. N° 191.— Muller, p. 27.— Kram. El. p. 358. z.— Fri/ch. ii. 209.
La Poule d’Eau, Brif. Orn. vi. p. 3. 1. pi. 1. fig. 1,. 2.— Buf. 01/ viii.
p. 171. pi. 15,— PL Enl. 877.
Common Water-Hen, or More-Hen, Rati Syn. p. 113. A. 1. p. 190. 15.-—
frill. Orn. p. 312. pi. 5:8.—Albin, ii. pi. 72. iii. pi. 91.
Common Gallinule,-i?r. Zool. N° 217.-pi. yj.—~Ar£i. Zool. N° 411.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
^ H E length of this well-known fpecies is fourteen inches: the
weight fifteen ounces. Bill red, with a greenilh tip ; at the
b’afe of it a red bare membrane,, fpreading fome way on the forehead
: irides red : colour of the plumage footy black above, with
a tinge of olive ; beneath cinereous : outer edge of the wing, and
under tail coverts, white : above the knee,at the commencement
of the bare part, a circle or garter of red: the reft of the bare
fpace, and legs, are greenilh : the toes flat and broad.
The female is lefs,- the colours paler, and the throat fome-
times * white..
This is a common fpecies in England j frequenting every
where the borders of rivers and ponds, where weeds grow. It
makes a neft upon fome low ftump or Ihrub by the water fide,,
compofed of herbaceous matter; and lays feven eggs, almoft two
inches in length, of a yellowilh white,. marked with irregular
reddilh brown fpots, .which are not numerous j with a few minute
ones interfperfed j and breeds twice in the feafon. It flies awkwardly,
with its legs hanging down, and not far at a time;
though it runs pretty fall; and will now and then, notwithftand--
* Not always; for in fome it is only grey, and in others like the- reft of the
ing it is not web-footed, fwim, which it feems to do tolerably
It is pretty common on the continent, though in fome parts
more fcarce than in others. Is alfo an inhabitant of America,
from New York to Carolina; and is recorded as a native of Jamaica
*, and other illands in the Weft Indies. Is faid to feed on
plants and fraall filh. The flelh is for the moft part pretty good.
Red-tailed Water-Hen, Ind.'Zool. p. ipipl. q. 1 S’
„ „ . „ ,Rallus rhsenicurus, Zool . I.n d, . p. ig. p,i . g- RED-TAILED G.
g l Z E of the common Gallinule: length nine inches: weight Descriptions
feven ounces and a quarter. The bill yellowilh green; at
the bafe reddilh : forehead bare, and flelh-coloured ■: the plumage
above is black : the forehead, round the eyes, and under
parts, white: the quills black, marked with large fpots of a
blueilhcaft: the vent and tail ferruginous red : legs dirty green,
tinged with red : toes long.
This fpecies inhabits Ceylon, where it is pretty frequent, and Place.
called Kalu-kerenaka; and feems to be one. of the kinds we fo
often fee figured in Chinefe paintings.
La Poule-Sultane brune, Buf. 01/ viii. p. 204.
- ........ ................ de la Chine, PL Enl. 896. 13*
V a r . A.
^ENGTH fifteen or fixteen inches. The crown and upper
parts of the plumage dufky alh-colour : forehead and under
parts white: belly and vent rufous: the quills and tail are
black: the legs yellow : toes long.
Inhabits China.
D escription.
* Sloane. Bro*wn,
L I 2 IN