
136 S N I P E .
oblong, of a dirty olive-colour, marked with dulky fpots. When
difturbed, in the breeding feafon, foars to a vaft height, making
a lingular bleating kind of noife; and when they defcend, dart
down with vaft rapidity. The male alfo (while his mate fits on
the eggs) often poifes himfelf on his wings, making fometimes a
whittling, and fometimes a drumming noife*. They feed on
fmall worms, and other infefts, which they find in the moift
ground; as alfo on fmall fnails ■, having found the laft whole
in the ftomachs of both this and the next fpecies. They are
dreffed without exenterating, as the Woodcock, and afe accounted
Scolopax gallinaria, Muller, p. 23. N° 183.
Finmark Snipe, Ar£i* Zool. p. 471. D.
Descriptions V E R Y like the common Snipe, and the bill tuberculated in
the fame manner: but differs in the head being entirely
grey: legs yellow.
Place. Inhabits Finmark. -
Scolopax .Gallinula, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 244. 8— Scop. Ann. i. N» 13g.— Brun.
p. 163.— Mulkr, p. 23. N° itg — Frifch. t. 231.
La petite Becaffine, Brif. Orn. v. p. 303. 3. pi. 26. fig. 2_Buf. Oif.v'u.
p. 490.— PI. Enl. 884.
Gid, Jack Suipe, or Judcock, Raii Syn. p. 103. A. 3.— Will. Orn. p. 291.
— A llin, iii. pi. 86— Br. Zool. ii. N” 189. pi. 68.—ArH. Zool. N° 367.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
D escription. Q p H I S is half as big as the former, and weighs fcarce two
ounces : length eight inches and a half. Bill above an inch
• Br.ZooI.
and a half long, and black: crown" of the head black, tinged
with ruft-colour: over each eye a yellow ftreak: neck varied
with white, brown, and pale red : fcapulars narrow, long, and of
a brown colour, margined with yellow : the rump of a gloffy
blueiih. purple : belly and vent white: greater quills dulky :
tail browq, with tawny edges, and confifts of twelve feathers:
legs cinereous green.
This fpecies is either lefs common than the former, or not fo Place an.
well afcertained by the different voyagers ; as I cannot trace it Mahmr».
more fouth than Aleppo, where it is not uncommon*, and to the
north as far as lat. 80. 27 +. It is found both in Europe and
North America. I fufpect likewife, from a padage in Fermin 4,
that it inhabits Surinam■ The manners are much like thofe of
the laft fpecies,
* Ruffel Alep. p. 65.
f Phypps mentions a low flat ifle off Waygats, which “ abounds with a fin ail
Snipe, flmilar to the Jack Snipe in England” See Voy. p. 53.
t Hiß. Sarin, vol. ii. p. I Hit, igo.— He there talks of a large and a fmall
Snipe: the flrll is rufous, black, and alh-colour, mixed: bread and belly alh-
colouf: it is fmaller than the Partridge, and flies flowly, but runs quick. The
fmall one he defcribes much like ours; and fays, they are feen by thoufands on
the fea floret ; that it mud be a bad markfman that does Hot kill fixty at once,
with line diet; and that he has killed eighty-live with a Angle charge. The
flelh of both is accounted very delicate: but the lad is fo fmall that a man may
Atfely eat twenty at a meal.
V ol. IIE T Scolopax