
27 a P H A L A R O P E .
eggs, the middle of that month, on a dry fpot ; the young fly in
Augufti departs in September. Known there by the name of
V ar. A.
Plate in Frontispiece.
J E N G T H eight inches and a half. Bill three quarters of an
inch, and black : the plumage on all the upper parts dulky
brown, a little clouded ; chin white : the bread the colour of the
upper parts, but paler : belly and vent white : on each fide of
the neck is an irregular large fpot, of a deep ferruginous red colour
: the greater wing coverts tipped with white, forming a bar
on the wing : quills black : tail cinereous, the two middle feathers
darked : legs dulky : the toes furnilhed with a lobatçd
membrane like the Red Phalarope, which it much refembles.
Place. Found between AJia and America, from lat. 66 to 69. In the
colleftion of Sir Jofeph Banks.
2. 4- GREY PH.
Tringalobata, Lin. By ft. i. p. 249. 8.—Faun. Suec. 179.—Brun. N° 171.—
Muller, N° 195.—Faun. Groenl. N° 75.—N. C. Petr• vol. xiv. 3.
tab. 13. fig. 3 ?
Le Phalarope, Brif Orn. vi. p. 18. 1.
——————— à feftons dentelés, Buf. Oif. viii. p. 226.
Grey Coot-footed Trioga, Edvj. pi. 308.—Phil. Tran/, vol. 1. pL 6,
Grey Phalarope, Br. Zool. N° 218. pi. 76.—Arfi. Zool. N®4I2.
Lev. Mu/.
Description. n I L L black, flatted near the tip : forehead white: crown
dulky : hind part of the neck light grey : back, rump, and
fcapulars, deep dove-colour, marked with dulky fpots ; edges of
the fcapulars yellow : coverts and prime quills dulky ; the firfl
edged with white : bread and belly white : tail dulky, edged 9 with
with alh-colour : legs black: toes fcalloped : the margins of the
membranes finely ferrated.
In my colledtion is a fpecimen, which differs fomewhat. The
whole top of the head, fides, chin, and neck, are white: the hind
part of the head and neck dulky: the prime quills plain; the
fecondaries margined with white : the fcalloped membranes yel-
lowilh. I fufpeft it to be a young bird, not yet come to its full
Inhabits the northern parts of Europe, Iceland and Greenland;
is feen alfo in England, but rarely. Frequent throughout Sibiria,
in the neighbourhood of the lakes and rivers, efpecially in autumn.
Alfo met with among the ice between AJia and America.
I f the fame with that in the Philojophical Tranfablions, it frequents
the fait marlhes, and flies in flocks about the borders of the
Cajpian Sea.
Plain Phalarope, Ar3 . Zool. N° 415.
" D I L L black, (lender, dilated at the end: crown dufky and
dull yellow: acrofs each eye a black line : cheeks and fore
part of the neck clay-colour : bread and belly white : back and
terdals dulky, edged with dull yellow: wing coverts, primaries,
and tail, cinereous; the lad edged like the tertials: legs yellow-
i(h : toes bordered with a plain or unfcalloped membrane.
Taken in the Frozen Sea, lat. 69L long. 191 f.
V a r i e t y .
P la ce and
M anners.
D escription.