C A S S O W A R y
that of the OJlrich, of a greenifh grey, inclining Co afh-colour,
and marked with elevated * fmall deep green fpots. The bird
« very fierce in the wild fiate ; grunts like an Hog; and kicks
with the legs like an Horfe.
The food, in the ftate of nature, is no doubt vegetable; for it
will eat bread, apples, and fuch like, when in confinement 3 all
which it fwallows whole, not bruifing it with the b ill; and is faid;
alfo to gorgejlones, iron, and any thing which is offered to it, in-
difcrimmately, like the OJlrich.
* L m M calls the fpots hitouJ; Ova futah excavah. See a £eure Q,
the egg in Kith. Oy. pt. a. 6
5 D r v.i.