U M B JR. E.
whole body, is o f an uniform brown colour, moft like that of
Umber, but rather paled; beneath, and the neck feathers paled:
down the lhafts : the wings and tail are even ; the lad: is barred
with three or four bars of deeper brown, and tipped for about an
inch with the fame : the legs are long, and the thighs bare for
two-thirds of the length the colour of both dufky : between
each toe is a membrane, about a quarter of an inch deep between
the middle and outer, and fomewhat lefs between that and the
inner : the claws are fmall and bent.
I fulpeft the bird figured in the PI. Enluminées to be a female,
as there does not appear the lead: rudiment of a crefi:. The tail
in this bird is of a paler brown, and crolfed with five narrow
bars of darker brown, with the tip of this lad: colour. That de-
fcribed by Brijfon is alfo without a creft. The bird figured in
Brown's work, gives a falfe idea j it there appears a heavy, fquat>
uncouth figure, the legs much too fhort, and the membrane
between the toes nearly as much webbed as in a Duck.
A t Sir Jo/eph Banks’s is a moft perfeft fpecimen of the male,.
which came from the Cape of Good Hope. Buff oris bird came from
G e n u s