
168 S A N D P I P E R .
the lhafts: hind part of the head fpotted with black and white:
cheeks, fore part of the neck, breaft, and belly, black: thighs
and vent white: back and wing coverts white, fpotted with
black: prime quills black : tail white, crofled with narrow
bars of black, which are leaft in number on the outer feathers:
legs black : hind toe fmall. The bird defcribed in the
Philojophical TranfaSlions had a mixture of white lunated fpots
with the black on the under parts; which Dr. Forfier fufpeiSs
may prove the young bird.
This fpecies inhabits the coafts of ConneUicut and Hudfon’s
Bay: vifits the laft in fpring; and feeds on berries, infefts, and
worms. Common throughout the fouth of RuJJia, and Sibiria:
fuppofed to breed in the arftic flats of the laft. It is alfo found
in France and Switzerland; but never many of them together.
u .
Tringa fquatarola, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 252. 23.— Faun. Suec• 186.—-Stop. Ann. i.
N° 144.—Brun. N® 176.— Mulleri p. 25.— Georgi Reife, p. 172.
Le Vanneau gris, Brif. Orn. v. p. 100. 2. pi. 9. fig. f |—PI. Enl. 854.
Le Vanneau pluvier, Buf. Oif. yiii. p. 68.
Grey Plover, Raii Syn. p. i l l . A. 3.— IVill. Orn. p. 309. pi. 57.— Brown
Jam. p. 478.—Albin, i. pi. 76.
Grey Sandpiper, Br. Zool. N° 191.—Artt. Zool. N® 393»
Lev. Muf.
Description. Q l Z E o f the Golden Plover: weight feven ounces: length
twelve inches. Bill one inch and a quarter in length, black •
the head, back, and wing coverts, black, edged with greenifh alh-
colour, with fome white: cheeks and throat white, marked with
oblong dulky fpots : belly and thighs white : outer webs of the
quills black j the lower part of the inner webs of the four firft
white : rump white: tail barred black and white * : legs dirty
green : back toe fmall.
This is now and then feen on the coafts o f England, in the winter
time, in fmall flocks. Found in Carolina in great numbers. Alfo
common in Sibiria j appearing there in autumn in great flocks,
coming from the extreme north, where they breed f .
Tringa varia, Lin Syjl. i. p. 252. 21.
Le Vanncau varie, Brif. Orn. v. p. 103. 3. pi. 9. fig. 2.— PL Enl. 923.
g l Z E of the laft. Bill black: the head, hind part of the neck,
back, and fcapulars, are brown; the feathers fpotted and
margined with white : rump the fame, but the fpots are yellow-
ilh : upper tail coverts white, edged with grey and pale yellow :
throat white : fore part of the neck grey brown ; margins of the
feathers white: from thence to the vent white : the wing coverts
like the back; fome of the outer greater ones dulky, margined
at the ends with white : baftard wing dulky : quills the fame ;
from the fifth to the ninth edged with white at the tips; the
others incline to grey brown, edged outwardly with white; the
fix inner ones fpotted on the margins with white : the tail feathers
barred with brown and white; the outer one all white, except a
brown longitudinal ftreak on the outer web: legs black.
* Limam obferves, that the outer feather has but one black bar, the others
-j- Arc':. Zool.
Po a o .1
Var. A.
VOL. III. z Tringa